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I've always believed that I would live a long good life even though I had no parents. The only thing I knew about them was that I was abandoned by them. It was obvious that they didn't want me. I never had the love of a mother or a father. But the female manager, Violet, of the orphanage treated me kindly until I was old enough to be on my own. After I turned 18, I got a scholarship to a community college and worked two part time jobs while renting out a good apartment. I was able to make friends while in college. Most of the time I would be playing Pokemon GO whenever I have the time. My friends and I would always try to play in the raids together.

Everyday was somewhat boring though. I sometimes wish that I had parents. There were times that I wondered why they abandoned me. I came up with the conclusion that they weren't ready for kids. Perhaps I'm better off not knowing the true reason.

Oh, I almost forgot; my name is Amanda Monroe. This is my story about how my life had taken an unexpected turn and I found something that I thought I would ever get.




I slammed my hand on my alarm clock, turning it off. I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I never liked getting up early in the morning. But today was a school day and later I have to get to my part time job. So I quickly got dressed and made a quick breakfast before heading off to the bus where it can take me to the university.



All of my classes were soon over. It was now soon time for me to get to my part time job which was working at a convenience store. I worked from 3 to 8 pm. I was lucky enough that I had a flexible schedule in which I could get my homework done on time. I was also lucky when I could do some of my homework while I waited for customers to show up. A few hours went by and a few customers came and went as they paid for whatever they wanted. By 5 pm, I was fully done with my homework and waited for another customer to come in. Soon enough, a small group arrives at the store and they begin to look for things to buy. The group were people my age mostly. I recognized two girls from the group. It was Sophie and Tracy. Sophie had brown hair and brown eyes. Tracey had black hair and brown eyes. Both girls were in the same biology class with me. They were also sisters. The two walked up to me once they got their items.

"Hey Amanda, how are you?" Tracey asked.

"Fine, work is slow so far." I replied, scanning their items.

"Don't worry, it'll go by fast before you know it." Sophie assured me.

"Hope so." I prayed.

But what happened next, was something I didn't expect to happen.

The door opened as it dinged as well. Three guys came in and were wearing black hoodies and beanies. For some strange reason, they made me feel uneasy.

"Amanda?" Sophie asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"Is something wrong?" Sophie questioned.

"Nope, I'm fine." I answered and put all their stuff into a paper bag, "$14.95 is your cost."

Tracy takes out the amount and hands it to me as Sophie takes the bag.

"Thanks, Tracy." I thanked her.

"No problem." Tracy said before she, Sophie and their friends left the store.

I watched them as they got into their car and drove away. When I turned around, a gun was pointed at me. I gasped when I saw one of the hooded guys from earlier, but he was wearing a mask this time.

"Give me the money and you won't get hurt." The guy demanded.

"O-Okay." I stuttered.

I shakily started to open the register. However, it wouldn't open. I could easily see my hands were trembling as I tried to open the register.

"Open the register!" The guy shouted.

"I-I'm trying!" I stuttered.

"Ah, forget it!" The guy yelled.

Before I could blink, the guy pulled the trigger on his gun and the bullet went straight through my head. My legs felt weak as their strength left them and caused me to collapse on my knees and fall to my side. Then my world went black as a cold feeling blanketed me.


Warmth. That's what I felt as my world was still black. It felt like I was wrapped up in a warm and cozy blanket. I could faintly hear voices as I tried to open my eyes. Somehow, I was able to, and I was very shocked at what was in front of me.

There was a man and woman staring down at me with warm smiles on their faces. I tried to move my hands and when I looked down, I noticed that they were small, the size of a baby. That could mean only one thing; I was reborn into another world! But what kind of world was I reborn in?

"She's so beautiful." The man said, softly.

"She's got your eyes, Liam." The woman noted.

"But she's got your hair color which makes her very beautiful, Jenny." 'Liam' added.

I couldn't help but stare at the woman named 'Jenny' who was holding me so tenderly. For some strange reason, she looked familiar, but I was having a hard time trying to figure out where I saw her. As she held me closer, I finally realized who she was; Officer Jenny from the anime show, Pokémon! It was really strange to see her without her uniform and hat. There was also a man next to her who had short black hair and blue eyes. I had a good guess that the man might be her husband. It was unexpected that Officer Jenny would be married in this universe, but I wonder which region this Officer Jenny is from.

As I pondered, I stared at the couple before me. They were looking at me with such love and kindness. I felt this warmth spread out inside my tiny little body. This feeling. I had never experienced this kind of feeling again since Violet raised me. Was I reborn to have a chance of having loving parents?

"So what will her name be?" The nurse asked.

"Libra." Jenny replied.

"That's a beautiful name." The nurse complimented.

"It suits her." Liam agreed.

And so I was now known as the daughter of Officer Jenny.

Reincarnated as Officer Jenny's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now