My Starter

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I, Amanda Monroe, was killed at eighteen and was reborn as Libra, the daughter of Officer Jenny in the Pokémon universe. As it turns out, my father, Liam, is actually a member of the G-Man group. I was surprised when mom told me. To me, my parents are my absolute heroes. Afterall, they work hard to protect Pokémon from abusive trainers and other bad situations. Not to mention that my dad works hard to take down any Team Rocket's operations while working with Lance, the champion of the Kanto and Johto league. Lance had become like an uncle to me. Even though my new name is Libra, most of the people I befriended have given me the nickname 'Libby'. I have to admit that I like it.

Normally, anyone would receive their first Pokémon when they turn 10. But in some cases, it's way earlier. I never expected how I would obtain my starter Pokémon. It all happened when I was five years old:

My parents and I were simply enjoying some time at a beach in the Kanto Region near Pallet Town. Both my parents managed to get some time off from their work. My mom was a police officer stationed in Cerulean City. At the moment, the three of us were building a sandcastle.

"Are you going to make a moat as well, Libby?" Dad asked, teased.

"I got to get some water first. I'll be right back." I replied before I picked up a bucket and walked over to the water. As I put my bucket in the water, I spotted something in the sand. It looked like a blue scale in the shape of a teardrop. I picked it up and examined it. I soon realized that it was a Dragon Scale!

"What do you got there, Libby?" Mom asked.

"I found a Dragon Scale!" I beamed, holding it out.

"A Dragon Scale, huh? You don't really find one by chance." Dad commented.

"Yeah. Can I keep it?" I asked.

"Well, since you found it, I think you get to keep it." Mom replied.

"I'll make sure to keep it safe." I smiled.

But then I noticed something along the shoreline. There was a log with something furry laying on top of it.

"What is that?" I asked.

My parents looked to where I was staring at. I ran over to what it was. When I got closer, I noticed that it was a Pokémon who was unconscious on the log!

"A Pokémon?!" I exclaimed.

Then I carefully picked up the Pokémon. As I gazed at the Pokémon, I recognized it as an Eevee. A female one at that.

"It's an Eevee." Dad observed.

"Where did it come from?" Mom questioned.

"Who knows? But we should probably take it to a Pokémon Center." Dad suggested.

We all quickly packed up our stuff and headed to a Pokémon Center.


My parents and I were in the lobby of the Viridian Pokémon Center. My dad had his Alakazam teleport us to the Viridian City Pokémon Center. At the moment, we were waiting in the lobby, anxious about Eevee's condition.

"I hope Eevee's okay." I prayed.

"I'm sure that she'll be fine." Mom assured me as Dad put his hand on my head.

Then we heard a ding and saw Nurse Joy and her Chansey come out of the Emergency Room. We stood up and turned to Nurse Joy.

"How's Eevee?" I asked.

"Don't worry. Eevee will be alright. The poor thing was a little bit malnourished and had a small fever. After a few weeks of proper eating and rest, Eevee will be as good as new." Nurse Joy informed us.

Reincarnated as Officer Jenny's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now