Pilot Chapter: False Hope

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The sounds of rumbling concert filled the enclosed space, vibrating the two hatchlings inside the small structured rubble. The sound of their chirps filling the collapsing building, getting the attention of the rat gathering the other hatchlings. The rat swifty made his way over towards the crack, reaching towards the two hatchlings barely touching one of them. With a scared look above him, the rat got off the ground and ran away from the two hatchlings left. One of the hatchlings covered up the red slider's ears, pulling the younger hatchling closer to them for protection, and within the next second the building collapsed with a loud crash. The only thing surrounding the two hatchlings was a big cloud of dust and the rubble of the fallen building, yet somehow they were still safe inside the crack. The red eared slider started to chirp, frightened and overwhelmed by the events that unfolded.

Seconds later a few pieces of rubble were shifted around, scattered away from the two hatchlings. A few spots of light glowing light shined through, revealing a sharped shaped, black colored gargoyle with red eyes. The gargoyle's hands grabbed the red eared slider first, dragging the youngest one out before going back to grab the other one. The older painted turtle was reluctant at first, biting and swinging at the gargoyle's hand before the gargoyle had a good grip on the painted turtle. Pulling them up quickly and setting them down beside the young slider to feel comfortable again. "Boss, I found where the sound was coming from!" the gargoyle called, watching the two hatchlings move around. That's when a pink and purple colored yokai came into view, looking at the children.

"So Jistsu left you two behind I see." the yokai muttered, picking up the hatchlings. "You did good work Huginn, see that we start rebuilding this place soon please." he addressed the gargoyle before looking across the destruction. Looking back at the two hatchlings the yokai took a deep breath, admiring the looks of both of them. The older one, the painted turtle, had a darker green tone to their scales. Almost looked identical to the slider but not quite, the only feature setting the two apart being the painted turtles hands and feet. They were covered in a complete black coloring, having the looks of mist. No light reflected off of the black coloring either; it was rather fascinating to the yokai. "I can see a warrior in both of you." he said before looking over the city's sky.


Big Mama sat quietly at her desk, fiddling with a pen while she read over paperwork. She was sulking in her frustration and annoyance of having her number one fighter slipped between her two hands. She was definitely firing some people. Luo Jitsu was hers, she just had to figure out who stole him and she would surely get her revenge. Get Luo Jitsu back again, to fight for her. A knock at the door drew her attention away from her aggravating thoughts, seeing who was at the door she buzzed them in. The fox yokai she had hired a few weeks ago stepped inside, holding a small box in his arms.

Nothing of what she was looking forward to having back of course, but the box was interesting in the moment. As soon as the kitsune came close enough, he placed the box down in front of the spider. "I am sorry to inform you, but we could not find Luo Jitsu. I assume he had made his way towards the surface." the yokai started, seeing Big Mama's disappointed look. "Against the statement, we found two things that had his scent. Possibly offsprings, but I can not be sure." the yokai finished.

"And where are they?" Big Mama quizzed.

"Right inside this box Big Mama." he answered, pointing towards the shoe box displayed on the table. A confused expression appeared on the spider's face as her fingers glazed the box carefully, opening the lid to expose a small blanket folded along the bottom and two small kappa's on the bottom. One was sleeping while the other was wide awake, their big brown eyes staring at Big Mama with the pure joy of a child. "The awake one is a box turtle and the younger brother from what I observed. The yellow marked one is of course older, they are a black breasted leaf turtle but their gender is hard to tell." the kitsune explained, keeping his eyes on Big Mama as he explained stuff.

"Since when do you know so much about turtles, Charlie?" Big Mama coaxed, staring back up at the yokai.

"It's something I studied when I was a small lad ma'am." the fox explained before Big Mama's attention was grabbed by the box turtle again. The young kappa was cooing towards the spider, reaching out of her for some sort of comfort. "I see you are quite an affectionate one." Big Mama smiled, looking back up at the fox. "Can you see what the other staff can scrape up for any clothes? You are excused." the spider ordered, shooing the fox off.


Sounds of passing cars filled the ears of the mutant as he rushed through the streets of New York. His thoughts raced with what had gone on, holding the turtles close to his chest. Wait. The turtles. His new found children. The mutant retracted his hands from his chest, seeking that the four he picked up were okay. The guilt of leaving the two inside the crack still laid buried in his mind, though a part of him already told him that not all of them were going to make it. He stopped dead in his tracks inside the alley he turned towards, frozen by the sight of only one turtle inside his grasp. The snapping turtle, who had clung onto his torn shirt frightened and in need of comfort. Thoughts raced passed his mind. Where were the other three, he swore he picked up four.

Maybe they were left behind, or possibly fell while he ran. Spirits he hoped the others would be okay. He hoped someone good would come by them or at least someone to keep them alive long enough to meet them. The snapping turtle, now a bit calm, laid down comfortably inside the mutant's hand, falling fast asleep as the noise of New York filled the air. The only thing the older mutant worried about now is how well he could raise the snapper. He had not planned to take care of a child, he felt like it was his responsibility now. Something he needed to do. Something he had to do.


Word Count: 1109

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