Chapter Two: The Purple Mystic City Thief

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Raph stood in line with April waiting patiently with a handful of groceries in hand. They had to get one more thing and then they were done for the day, everything over basically. The line was relatively slow and it was as calm as you can get an open-market to be. April was scrolling through Pinterest, getting frustrated every time it had to load while Raph pointed out things that he found cool or cute. As April was waiting for her screen to load again Raph felt a small tug on one of the bags he was holding.

When he looked over a pair of eyes met his face, one colored green and one colored a glossy blue. Their hand was wrapped around one of the bags that were being tugged. "Hey-" Raph started before the yokai turned and dashed away with one of the bags. Without another thought Raph turned to April, setting down the other bags he had before running after the yokai. "Stay there April! I'll be back!" Raph yelled behind him before getting out of ear shot. The snapping turtle dodged a few passing yokai, trying hard to not get stuck inside the crowd of people on the street. Getting passed the crowd Raph looked around, he lost sight of the thief. Nothing stood out for a few minutes, only the passing yokai and buildings. That is until he caught eye of the dirty purple hood running into an alley.

Without a second to lose Raph made his way across the street, peering into the ally that the yokai made their way into. The yokai was crotched in a corner, looking towards the bag quietly. Raph looked around for any sort of adult or older guardian around the yokai but there was no one. Slowly Raph made his way into the alley looking at the yokai. His foot grazed a small paper on the ground, making the yokai look up at who was there. A sharp hiss came from the yokai, making the snapper stop in his tracks intimately. They are definitely not a yokai. Raph told himself.

From personal experience no yokai makes any animal noises, whether animal types or not. Unless he doesn't have much knowledge about yokai yet, which Raph doubts he's been to the Mystic City since he was basically two years old. He placed his hands in the air slowly, trying to show he wasn't a threat to the... mutant. "It's okay, Raph's not gonna hurt you." the snapper said, trying not to scare the other mutant. Their hood fell off their head from a sudden jerk in movement, exposing the mutant's scaly skin fully. The scales were colored a deep forest green with lavender rectangular marks and two neon purple streaks on their cheeks like permit tears. It was something that intrigued the snapper now, he's never seen another mutant turtle.

"Hey, you're a turtle..." Raph muttered, kneeling down on the ground to see if he could get the mutant turtle less protective. Though there were no words exchanged Raph understood possibly why they were so spooked. "Look, I'm not going to get the police or anything. Raph's not going to hurt you... You look super cool. Do you have any parents nearby or something?" the snapper soothed, keeping his hands in the air and his eyes on the other turtle. They were definitely underweight and young, which isn't the best ideal health status for the streets. Not to mention they looked like they were gonna pass out at any moment, which is worse and after a few seconds that's what happened. The turtle mutant, still crouched in the corner, started to wobble on his feet before almost face planted into the ground if Raph didn't catch them.

"Hey, are you okay?" Raph asked, holding the turtle in his arms. The snapper stood up with the turtle in his arms, looking around before grabbing his grocery bag and making his way back towards April with the bag and the turtle. April was waiting outside the open-market, watching a few videos on her phone while she waited. When Raph got closer she looked up, seeing the other turtle in Raph's arms. "Are they okay? What happened? Where were you?" April bullet questioned, a bit panicked on who Raph was carrying.

"They took one of our bags and Raph confronted them but they passed out." the snapper started before seeing that April got what they needed, "We need to get home though, it's getting dark and we're taking this one too." Raph finished. April nodded a bit worried about the other turtle, grabbing a few of the bags while Raph grabbed the other bags carefully. They made their way back slowly, making sure to keep an eye on the other turtle. When they finally got home April made her way to the kitchen while Raph stayed inside the main room.

"Hey pops! I need some help!" Raph hollered. While waiting for his pops to appear the snapper sat on the ground, scared to move any more. He was scared that the smaller turtle would be hurt at any movement Raph did wrong. They felt breakable inside his arms, which scared him. "What is wrong, Red? Are you hurt?" his father's, Splinter's, voice asked coming around the corner. As soon as he came fully around the corner, his eyes landed straight on the younger turtle inside the snapper's arms. He froze.

"Where did you find him?" Splinter muttered, confusing Raph.

"Pops? What do you mean?" As soon as the snapper had questioned what he said Splinter snapped back, taking action finally.

"Take them to the med bay, do you know what happened? Where did you find them?" Splinter asked. Raph stood up and followed after the rat, trying to make an understanding of the situation once again.

"Uh, they took one of our bags and Raph ran after them and stuff. When I tried to get them calm, cause they were really panicked, they just passed out Raph guess." the snapper explained, entering the med bay inside the lair. Laying the turtle on one of the two cots, Raph watched as Splinter rushed around to find certain items. "Are they gonna be okay?" the snapper asked. No answer. With that Raph decided not to push, especially since his father was busy trying to help. "Red, can you please try to prepare a room the best you can for our... guest. They will probably need some time to heal." Splinter said, trying to get Raph out of the room for the moment.

Raph, knowing why his father said that, nodded and walked out quietly. At least he had a different task to focus on now, something he could do to pass time and then, hopefully, he can speak with Splinter. The snapper ended up at one of the empty rooms, the smallest bed room of course, looking around to set some sort of plan. "You doing okay, big man?" April asked, peeking in. Raph jumped at her voice, looking over at his older sister a bit spooked.

"You scared the spikes out of me Ap's." Raph whined, placing a hand on his plastron to express his feelings a bit more. April chuckled a bit, waving her hands in the air with a smile before walking to the side of the snapper.

"What are ya doing?" she repeated.

"Planning out a room for the guest, pop's told me to do so." Raph explained, looking over the room once more. "Raph don't think we need much, just a mat'ress and dresser I guess." he finished before looking down at April for any approval. Giving a thumbs up to Raph's plan they both went to start getting the stuff they needed.


Word Count: 1280

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