Chapter One: The Blue Needle

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Five waited happily near the door, hardly containing his excitement as he stood beside Draxum. He bounced up and down on his toes, feeling that it was impossible to contain his happiness now. Time was taking so slow to hurry up, seeming like he had been standing at the doors for hours. "Calm yourself Five, your excitement only makes it go slower." Draxum muttered, a bit irritated by Five's childish behavior. "I thought you grew out of your childish movements, stop bouncing. You are messing up your kimono." Draxum hissed quietly, holding Five's shoulders to stop the slider from bouncing.

"I get to see Three again! How can I contain myself? I haven't seen them in forever. Did you bring my gift to Three? Please tell me you got it." Five bubbled, looking up at Draxum. The yokai's clearly upset look didn't phase the slider's happiness, only made it brighter.

"Five. Calm yourself, if you don't stay quiet and behave you won't see Three again... or get your reward for this week." Draxum dead-panned. Five kept his eye on the yokai while he spoke, stopping any movement he made completely as the smile turned into a half smile. Draxum lifted his hands away from the slider's shoulder, walking behind the slider quickly. Before giving any directive Five lifted his arms, feeling the yokai fix the kimono the best he could from the back. After it was tight on the slider's petite body Draxum returned to the slider's side, making sure he himself was neat as well. "Last thing Five." Draxum started, looking towards the slider. "Don't do the knock. It will upset our visitor." Without any other words Five nodded frimley, he can control himself this time.

The sound of a firm knock sounded at the door and without any hesitation Draxum had opened the door. His face turned from serious to surprised on who was at the door, which made Five anxious. He tried to refrain from moving, keeping his feet plated on the ground and holding back the wave of anxiety washing over him. "One. Why are you here?" Draxum asked. Five was still unable to see anyone at the door, the yokai keeping the other yokai at bay from his vision. His brain knew someone named One but couldn't place a finger on the looks of who Draxum was speaking to.

"I came by because I wanted to check on Five. Do you have something important happening that I can't make an appearance here or did you forget the deal?" the voice asked. Five knew that voice, he knew who One was– just not the face. The voice was easily described, a rough sound but not too low just yet. Their voice laid on the foreground of high and low, though it had a bit of rasp to it with a hint of a canadian accent behind the rasp. Draxum let out a tired sigh before stepping back and opening the door fully to show One standing outside. The familiar white mask met Five's eyes as they walked through the thrust hold. At this point his anxiety has reached its limit, making Five swiftly move towards the left wall and knock six times before muttering a few words and stepping back.

One was completely unfazed by his action, looking towards Draxum as the yokai cleared his throat. "You can check in on Five after I get my visitor into my office One. I advise you not to utter a single word until he is back inside my office. Do you understand?" he grumbled, making himself completely clear.

"I understand." One muttered back. Though their facial expressions were unseen by the mask cover, Five could tell One was defiant toward Draxum but complied for the moment. One made his way towards Five, standing beside the slider as Draxum waited closer towards the door. One was anxious with every passing second now, his schedule had changed. The only thing that felt stable enough to use as a crutch to help him control himself. No. He won't lose control yet. He could wait. Remember your reward. Taking a deep breath, Five had begun to keep his anxiety at bay. He hoped it was good enough to not interrupt his schedule again. One taps on the door brought Five back toward reality, making any thought disappear again.

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