whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same

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minju would never admit it, but sometimes it was oppressive to have chaewon as her girlfriend.

she knows what she got herself into when they first even became friends, but sometimes it would get a bit excruciating (even for her) to watch chaewon progressively get weaker out of hunger when she was low on her blood stock. imagine what it's like for the human though, having to watch the love of your life get paler and paler and less active almost every minute over something as standard as her food supply.

how long has it been since chaewon's and yunjin's convo?...

a few days? a week?

regardless, it was still far too long for minju's liking. she just can't sustain it anymore. it's driving the human crazy how that pestilential-nurse hasn't even called to check up on chaewon or give a single stock update. just who does she think she is?! minju doesn't care if yunjin is a vampire or not. she's pretty sure her great-grandfather was a monster hunter or something in his lifetime, maybe she could finally put her family-fighting skills to the test and avenge her girlfriend.

chaewon doesn't need to know about that though...

minju snapped out of her delusions and stared at the final two cans in the fridge. one opened with a straw sticking from the top. obvious signs of little sips being drunken out of it, but not enough to fully satisfy the vampire's hunger. and minju had to pretend like there was nothing to worry about that?! hell no!

they've both even taken a few days off work because of this madness. minju of course being a care-taker to a low energy vampire...it was just absolutely heartbreaking in her case...

just...why isn't yunjin calling?!

minju groaned and slammed the fridge shut. taking a few breaths before turning her attention to her girlfriend sitting on the couch, eating a piece of raw steak to try and get some sort of nutrition into her body. minju hated how dramatic vampire's bodies treated hunger, with chaewon's skin being white as snow and muscles noticeably shrunken down where her bones were prominent. just her innocent undead self, tasting the poisonous animal blood while watching a monochromatic tv show.

i can't take it anymore!

on command, chaewon shot her head towards minju, quickly swallowing the meat. "huh?"

minju's eyes widened. did she...accidently say that outloud?

minju wanted to cry seeing how clueless and adorably curious chaewon looked. she released a grunt while clenching her fists by her sides.

after a couple seconds of examination, chaewon finally noticed the tears in her eyes.

"what's wrong, min?" voice now in worry. weak, weak worry. she wanted to get up, but minju shook her head to stop her.

"unnie..." minju laughed in disbelief, craning the words in her mind. "this...this is ridiculous now."

"what is?"

"w-what is?" she scoffed in amusement. "look at you!"

chaewon flinched at the sudden voice raise. "h-huh.."

"this is the longest you have ever waited for more blood. why hasn't that moronic of a nurse called you?!"

chaewon blinked at minju before exhaling, facing back at the tv and finishing her bloody steak. "i already told you why." she mumbled.

minju scoffed and stormed over to her, standing in front of the tv with her arms crossed. blocking her view. "you're not well, unnie. you know it's dangerous for you to consume animal blood, yet you're so hungry you don't even give a shit."

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