Chapter 14

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"I'm sorry."
Cloudpaw and Mousepaw were in the apprentices den. The sun was setting, and Flightstar had ordered Pinetail and Ravennight to guard the camp.

"I know I was wrong..yadayadayada." Cloudpaw muttered. "I dragged you into it."
"Thank you." Mousepaw murmered back, even though she knew he wasn't serious.
The white apprentice proceeded to trot out of the den.

Mousepaw hesitated, wondering if Cloudpaw was planning to sneak out past the guards just to see the rogues again.
It would seem like a thing for him to do.
The apprentice fixed her eye on the tom. He was on top of the elders den.
Don't tell me he's going to-
It was too late.
Cloudpaw had already jumped off.


White paws crunched leaves as a cat trekked through the forest floor.
Ha! Take that, Flightstar! I can go out whenever I want to!

The halfbridge was in the apprentice's sight. Cloudpaw padded onto the wood and looked out onto the lake.

The ShadowClan cat spun around.
Tap. Tap.
Cloudpaw responded to the taps by tapping the halfbridge three times.
Cloudpaw peered under the bridge. His eyes caught a flash of orange, and before he could pull his head back up, he suddenly fell.

Lakewater splashed around the apprentice as he tried to squirm out. The same orange blur twisted above him. Then it hit him.
The rogue!
A paw hit Cloudpaw in the head. Claws clamped down on his skull, and he was suddenly flung out of the lake onto dirt.

"What are you doing here?"
Cloudpaw turned around to see the same orange she-cat he and Mousepaw had seen. The brown tabby tom was sitting near her.

"Where am I?" Cloudpaw demanded.
The orange she-cat snorted. "What we wanna know is why you are here. You wouldn't just come to have a nice talk with us."
"Okay, fine. I wanted to drive you out for the good of my Clan. And maybe just to show how strong I am. Now where am I?"
"Clan? Is that why they call them-" the brown tabby tom mewed. The she-cat shushed him.

"You are in the den me and Barktail made." the orange cat stated.
"Barktail?" Cloudpaw questioned, staring at the brown tabby. "You're too small to be a warrior."

The tom looked offended. "Um, well, it's a long story."
"Basically, rogues hate Clans but Bark like clans so bark keep clan name put patch don't waste time to Bark get warrior name early. You understand?" the she-cat meowed.

Cloudpaw was puzzled. "Who's Patch?"
"Somebody you don't want to know about." the orange she-cat snapped.
Cloudpaw narrowed his eyes at her. "What's your name?"
She didn't hestitate. "Fox."

"So, Fox and Barktail." the apprentice concluded, looking at the rogues.
Fox stared back. "Yes."
"Okay, can I go now? I won't attack you." Cloudpaw muttered.
"Hmm. I'll allow you to leave, but come back tomorrow night. With your friend." Fox murmered.
"What friend?" Cloudpaw meowed.

"The light brown tabby." Fox snapped. "The one that told Barktail to leave. You remember her?"
"Yes." Cloudpaw mewed. "I'll bring her back."
"Thank you." Barktail called from the den.
Cloudpaw didn't look back and took off running back to ShadowClan territory.


A brown tabby tom yowled in pain, a white pelt flashing on top of him. Blood spurted out of his wounds, and the white cat was about to do the final blow.

"No!" Mousepaw wanted to yowl and stop the situation. But claws touched flesh too quickly. Blood clouded her gaze, and Mousepaw was trapped in endless red.

The apprentice woke up, catching her breath. Featherpaw was right beside her, looking worried.
"H-hi." the tabby mewed. "You were yowling in your sleep. Are you okay?"
"Y-yes." Mousepaw managed to say.

"I was afraid you'd wake Cloudpaw up." Featherpaw meowed.
"Cloudpaw's here?" Mousepaw blurted.
"I-is there any reason he shouldn't be here?" the tabby apprentice stuttered.
"Um, forget what I said." Mousepaw meowed sheepishly.

Featherpaw had an early nap when night had just fallen, and by a miracle she managed to not notice Cloudpaw sneaking out. Mousepaw didn't want to get in trouble again, but she didn't want Cloudpaw to attack any of the rogues, and StarClan forbid kill them!

The light brown tabby looked to the white tom. He was yawning, and looked like he had been sleeping all night.
She turned back to Featherpaw. "Can I have a private talk with Cloudpaw for a moment?"
Featherpaw shrugged. "Sure." She walked out of the apprentices den, leaving the two apprentices.

Cloudpaw stared at Mousepaw. "I went to the rogues. I didn't attack them, or kill them. I found out their names, the tom is Barktail and the orange she-cat is Fox."
"Okay!" Mousepaw growled. "You had me worried!"
"Well you wouldn't have to be so worried if you had just followed me." Cloudpaw pointed out.
"I didn't follow you because I didn't want another moon on my apprentice training!" the she-cat snarled.

"There's another thing I need to tell you." Cloudpaw mewed.
"The rogues want me to bring you to their den tomorrow night."
Mousepaw couldn't hold back a scoff. "What do they want me for?"
"They just said for me to bring you." Cloudpaw hissed.
Mousepaw sighed. "Okay. I'll go with you tomorrow night. But if it's a trick, I'll be ready to run."
Cloudpaw looked at her with a blank expression. "Thank you."

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