Chapter 16

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It felt weird to be going on a normal patrol again when Mousepaw had seen so much.
Leafwhisker and Crimsonclaw flanked her, while Pinetail trotted on the other side of Leafwhisker.

"The RiverClan border isn't far." the tabby tom remarked.
Mousepaw was highly suspicious that Bloodsight had sent her on a patrol near horseplace, where the rogues live.
Probably to test my loyalty, she thought, guilty that she had told some of her secrets to Barktail and Fox.

When the cats reached the RiverClan border, all the trees around it strangely smelled of squirrel.
Pinetail purred. "In all my moons, I haven't seen squirrels trying to mark territory!"
Mousepaw looked at the ground. Bits of squirrel fur were scattered across it.

A noise came from the other side. The apprentice jerked her head up, and she could see RiverClan cats.
The RiverClan patrol stared back.
"Hello." Crimsonclaw called. "Why is there so much squirrel fur on your territory?"
"It's about the rogues." a speckled tom replied. "Recently we've found a few squirrels in our territory, and we're using them as a test for the

Crimsonclaw was about to say more, but the tom simply meowed "bye," and the RiverClan patrol left.
"I guess they don't want to spoil secrets." Leafwhisker murmured.
"Let's cover up this squirrel scent. If ThunderClan has to travel and passes by, they might notice, and that would cause a lot of controversy." Pinetail suggested.
"Okay." Mousepaw agreed.

In about no time, the ShadowClan cats covered the squirrel scent entirely, and covered their scent all around their side of the border.
Mousepaw weirdly felt scared about the rogue plan. What if the Barktail and Fox do eat the squirrel? Would RiverClan be willing to kill them?
She quickly pushed the thought away. They'll be able to fend for themselves.

The light brown tabby caught sight of Cinderlight on camp guard as the patrol reached the ShadowClan camp.
"Anything going on with RiverClan?" she called. "They've been acting sour ever since the Tanpaw incident."

"It seems that squirrels have moved into their territory. They're killing some squirrels and using the prey to attract the rogues. They say it's a test." Crimsonclaw replied.
"And what are they going to do if the rogues don't eat the prey?" Cinderlight muttered.
"I don't know. I think they might give it to ThunderClan." meowed Crimsonclaw.

"Why would they-" Cinderlight began, before Leafwhisker cut her off.
"RiverClan doesn't want us to go too far into their personal business. They made that clear with the patrol."

Cinderlight stared at Leafwhisker, a puzzled expression on her face.
"Oh right. You didn't come. So RiverClan-"
"Stop gossiping. We'll be here all day." Pinetail grumbled.
"He's right." Crimsonclaw mewed. "Let's get back to camp."

Cloudpaw was licking his paw at the entrance to the apprentices den when Mousepaw and the patrol went back to camp. Flightstar was padding toward the Pinebranch, Bloodsight trotting behind him.
The leader's gaze flicked to the patrol; Crimsonclaw looked back.

"Anything from the rogues? Or RiverClan?" Flightstar called.
As Crimsonclaw explained, Mousepaw went over to Cloudpaw.

"Hey. I want to talk to you about the rogues." the apprentice meowed as she scooted next to him.
"Let me guess, 'YoU cAnT gOoO! tHeYrE a BaD iNfLuEnCe!!!' Yeah. Well, too bad."

Mousepaw stifled a sigh. "Yes. I think Fox is a bad influence."
"What about Barktail?" Cloudpaw answered sharply, pressing his muzzle to her face. "Is he a bad influence?"
Mousepaw gave a low hiss. "Cloudpaw, you get what I'm trying to say. I don't want you to get in danger."

"What do you mean?"
Mousepaw jumped with a startled squeak; she turned to see Featherpaw behind her. The pale tabby was looking confused.

"Get out." Cloudpaw snapped. "You're just being annoying and stu-"
"It's our business. That's what Cloudpaw's trying to say." Mousepaw cut him off. Featherpaw slightly tilted her head, then slowly nodded and padded away.

Cloudpaw turned to Mousepaw, hissing. "It's no use. I'm going. And you cant stop me."

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