Chapter 21

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"And now, I will give Featherpaw her warrior name, or at least, the warrior name she will have in StarClan."
It was Featherpaw's burial, and Flightstar was standing on the Pinebranch over the pale tabby's body.

"StarClan, I would like you to take this cat in as Feathergleam, for her beauty and compassion." Flightstar announced.
"Feathergleam! Feathergleam!" the cats of ShadowClan chanted.

Sagesky and Leafwhisker nuzzled each other in love for their kit as Bloodsight beckoned them to carry Featherpaw.
The parents, with the help of Cloudpaw, Featherpaw's littermate, carried her out of camp.

After Featherpaw's burial, Flightstar went to talk to Mousepaw.
"Your assessment will be tomorrow." the sand tabby tom murmered.
Mousepaw nodded and went to the apprentices den.

While in the apprentices den, she found Cloudpaw lying on his back. His face showed no emotion.
"Hi." Mousepaw murmered.
"Hi." Cloudpaw replied, his gaze fixed on his paws, which were in the air.
"It must be hard, losing a littermate." the light brown tabby mumbled. Cloudpaw then turned away.
I'll leave him alone. she thought.

"Mousepaw, get up!"
Mousepaw opened her eyes, startled. She then remembered today was her assessment, and Leafwhisker was calling her.

Mousepaw quickly ran to Bloodsight, Rockfoot, Cloudpaw, and Leafwhisker.
"Cloudpaw's here to watch you." Rockfoot explained. The she-cat nodded.
"Let's go." Bloodsight meowed.

"Alright, Mousepaw. Your goal is to collect at least three pieces of fresh-kill. Try your best to catch prey big and plump. Remember, Cloudpaw will see if you eat anything." Bloodsight meowed.
"I'm ready!" Mousepaw exclaimed. She looked over at Cloudpaw, and she thought she saw a flicker of jealousy on his face.

"Go hunt." Leafwhisker meowed, flicking his tail. "We'll follow you."
Mousepaw did as told, and ran into the territory.

She immediately went to the clearing and sniffed a squirrel. The scent was nice and pungent. She crept towards the roots of a pine, where the squirrel was. She raised her paw, pinned the prey down, and killed it with a bite to the neck.

Only two more prey to go. Mousepaw thought satisfyingly.
When the apprentice reached the clearing, she smelled sparrow. She saw one up in the trees, and conveniently it was flying down.
She crouched, ready to pounce as it was in front of her. When she was ready, suddenly her paw caught on a tendril. She tripped, acknowledging her presence to the bird.

Mouse dung! Mousepaw thought angrily. She pulled herself free of the tendril, seeing the sparrow pecking at the ground away from her.
She then saw a small rock.
Wait, maybe...
Mousepaw hopped up on the rock, fixing her gaze on the sparrow. She then pounced, her claws hitting its neck.

She buried the sparrow with her squirrel, then went to look for new prey.
She was far when she smelled mouse.
Okay. This is it.
She spotted the mouse and was about to pounce, when a flash of white zoomed past her. Mousepaw was startled, and before she knew it, the mouse was killed. By Cloudpaw.

"Hey!" Mousepaw growled. "That was supposed to be mine."
Cloudpaw said nothing, just carried the mouse away.
"What is going on here?" Rockfoot came out of the bushes, his mew stern.
"Cloudpaw caught a mouse. I was supposed to catch it." Mousepaw explained. Rockfoot stared accusingly at his apprentice.

"This is Mousepaw's assessment, not yours." the gray tom growled, motioning Cloudpaw to give him the mouse. "Mousepaw, go catch one more piece; it's okay."

Mousepaw ran to the fallen log. I've seen squirrels in these trees before. I bet I can catch at least two nice ones. Maybe even a woodpecker!
The apprentice heard chattering up in the trees. She saw three squirrels playing, jumping on the most thin branches with happiness.

From her squirrel hunts, Mousepaw knew to wait for the squirrels to climb down. She hid in a clump of ferns until they would come. A moment later, two squirrels dashed down the trunk. Mousepaw leaped from the ferns and put a paw on each squirrel. Before they could squeak, she pierced a claw through each one.

The ShadowClan apprentice went to the pile with her squirrel and sparrow and dropped her two squirrels in, with some frogs she had caught on the way. "Leafwhisker!" she called. "I have my prey."

Leafwhisker and Bloodsight went to check Mousepaw's catches, while Rockfoot and Cloudpaw stayed back.
"They're good." Bloodsight announced after some time. "Mousepaw, come to camp for your warrior ceremony."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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