Chapter 17

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"Barktail. Come here."
Barktail stopped from chewing on his fish to look out the small window.
A strange scent was wafting from the land.

After looking more, Barktail could see a small, brown-furred animal on the land. It looked dead.
"What is it?" He turned to Fox.
Fox shrugged. "Don't know. I've never seen it."

"I don't know if we should investigate-"
Suddenly a paw smashed Barktail into the water. The tabby tom thrashed his paws, alarmed.
"Oh come on, Fox! You know I can't swim that well!" the brown tom protested.
"You literally spent an entire sunrise swimming in circles beneath the halfbridge." Fox meowed, unfazed.
"Only a sunrise! Not even an entire day!"
"Barktail, just go. It's not like there are any Clan cats."
"Fine." Barktail grumbled.

The rogue swam as fast as he could; the animal scent getting closer and closer, but then he heard something.
A bush rustled on the land, and to Barktail's shock, four cats came out.

"Fox!" He yelped to the den as fast as possible. "Clan-coming-us-"
A paw swooped up, bringing Barktail into the water. In no time, he was back in the den.
"You idiot!" Fox snarled. "Now we're all going to die because you gave away our den."

Loud splashing was sounding outside.

"Quick!" Barktail shouted.
The first thing that came to mind; dig.
Barktail clawed at the dirt, hoping to make a tiny shelter for him and Fox while the Clan cats were there.

Fox seemed to understand what he was doing, so she joined him. They eventually made a small, but big enough dirt pit far into the dirt where the Clan cats couldn't see them.

"Where are they?"
"I swear they were here-"
"They think they can hide from me? I'll shred them!"
"Everybody, keep calm. Especially you, Dunepaw."
Barktail held his breath.
The Clan cats are here!
"But dad-"
"Dunepaw, stop. Go to your mentor and we'll sort the situation out."
"Fine, Speckpelt."

Dunepaw and Speckpelt. Barktail thought.
"So what should we do?" a she-cat asked.
"Take it easy, Mistystream."
"Should I check for strong rogue scent, Speckpelt?"
"Yes, Splashfur. Take Dunepaw with you." Speckpelt replied.

Barktail squeezed into the dirt as he smelled strong fish scent coming his way. Fox was sprinkling dirt on both of them.

"I smell strong scent here." the tom heard Splashfur call.
"Okay." Speckpelt, somewhere, replied. "Keep searching."
"Let's dig towards the water." Fox softly hissed. "We'll swim off to the big island where they can't find us."

Barktail nodded and began digging down, Fox helping him.
"I see them! Orange fur! The cat who attacked Tanpaw!"
Alarmed, Barktail realized that some of the dirt had fallen off of Fox. He could also recognize the voice of Dunepaw.

"Dig fast!" Fox snarled.
Earth was crumbling all around the rogues, and Barktail could see the faint glimmer of water below him.
"Speckpelt! Mistystream! We found them!" Splashfur yowled.
"I found them first!" Dunepaw called after him.

When there was a big enough hole of water, Barktail squeezed through, dragging Fox with him.

The island was in their sights, but then Barktail heard yowling and splashing. To his horror, the Clan cats were after him and Fox.
"Get to the island!"
"But what if they go to it? We might get cornered!"
"If you're so scared, then why don't you go back to The Strays?"
Barktail flinched as though Fox had clawed his ear. Maybe I should go back. After all, Autumn is waiting for me.

They swam, the Clan cats catching up, and Fox got to the island.
"Splashfur, Dunepaw, go after the brown tabby. Mistystream, you and me will deal with this one."

Barktail's eyes widened as he saw two toms swimming after him. He couldn't get to the island now.
Fox, I hope you'll be okay. And Mousepaw and Cloudpaw. I'll miss you.
Hoping he'll survive, Barktail headed back home.

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