~Chapter 31~ terminate?

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Taylor's POV (January 25th)
For the first time in a month we make eye contact in a loving way. His lips slowly come towards mine and I willingly lock them. Somethings still there. But part of the love is forgotten. Through this kiss. I can feel him forget me like I used to feel him breathe. It hurts. But some progress is being made. We let go of the kiss and he looks at me, "I don't know if I want the twins anymore." I look and see that Chloe has fallen asleep at the table and hasn't heard any of this conversation.

I swiftly get off of his lap and stare at him backing up slowly, "You what!? You don't know what?!" Travis shrugs, "I don't know if I want them anymore." I feel my heart sink to my stomach, "So what? You wanna break up?" He shakes his head, "No.. I still want you and Chloe." I raise an eyebrow, "So.. your plan is to stay with me, and be Chloe's dad, but what.. neglect our twins?" He's quick to correct me, "Your twins. I don't think I want them. I'm just the sperm donor." I put my hand on my belly and tear up, "No you're not. How could you say that! You're their father!"
He breathes out, "I'm Chloe's father, and Jaydens father. I don't want whatever mess this is."

I sit down on the floor and pulls my knees to my chest trying to control my breathing. "You were so excited to be a daddy again! Why are you saying this?" Tears pour out of my eyes.
The discovery of carrying twin babies was a moment of pure elation, a shared excitement between Travis and I. We dreamed together of the beautiful chaos that would soon fill our lives, envisioning a future overflowing with love and laughter between Jayden, Chloe, and the "Kelce twins." But all because of his stupid fucking leg a shift occurred within his heart, and the love he once held for our twins seemed to fade? Confusion and heartache washed over me, but I knew that my love for these precious lives would remain.

"I don't want them Taylor. I can't have them. I can't be a dad again. Are you past the abortion period?" I shake my head, "No but.." He's quick to cut me off, "Get an abortion." I get up and punch him in the face, "Get out of my fucking house!" He rolls his eyes but doesn't dare to hit me back, "This is my house, Taylor. You have a million other houses you own. You leave." I look at him unbelievably and walk away. I go upstairs and lay down in bed.

After an hour of crying, I put my hands on my belly and massage it very soothingly. "Hi my sweet babies, it's mommy. I'm sorry about all of that. Daddy doesn't mean it. Daddy loves you guys no matter what he says. I promise. You will be very very loved little ones." Just then I feel them move. For the first ever time. I scream and start sobbing even more. How could Travis ever tell me to get an abortion? These are our babies. Our innocent little babies that deserve a chance at life. How could he be so heartless? I rub my belly, "Are you guys kicking mommy?" The moving continues and I sniffle. "I love you guys so much."

Travis comes upstairs, "I heard you scream, are you okay?" I roll my eyes, "What do you care?" He sighs, "Tay." I nod, "I'm fine. Our babies just kicked for the first ever time... that I've felt it anyways." I smile and rub my belly some more, "Our sweet little babies." He nods and hands me Chloe, "She woke up asking for you." I set her next to me and she puts her hand on my belly, "Hi babies!" I smile and kiss her head. Travis sighs and walks out.

30 minutes later Chloe is sleeping and I use the moment as a time to talk to Travis's mom. I quickly hit her contact and press call. It only takes her a few rings to answer.

"Hello darling!" She says excitedly. "Hey Donna.." my tone ruins her excitement and I can hear it in her next comment. "Taylor, what's wrong?" My heart breaks more and I start sobbing, "S-So.. It all started when I told Travis the news about no more football, he pushed me away. Well today we kissed for the first time since then and as we broke the kiss he told me he didn't know if he wanted the twins anymore." Donna's voice breaks, "What!?" I sigh, "So I kinda like yelled at him about it.. and then he told me.. he.. h-he fucking told me to get an abortion!" I sob. "Does he mean it?" She questions, "It's Travis he can't right?" I sigh, "No. He was so excited for these babies. I don't think it's him saying this. He needs help Donna. I've tried getting him to talk to a therapist but he refuses. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to handle it. Like he literally told me to kill my babies because he's a sperm donor and not a dad. If it wasn't for Chloe I probably wouldn't be in his house, or in his life, anymore." 

"I feel you completely Tay. Do you want me to come to Kansas City for a week or two? I can help you around the house, and try to talk to Travis?" I don't think before speaking, "Yes please! I.. we..need you!" Donna understands completely, "I'll be on the soonest flight honey." I mumble, "Thank you."

4 hours later I make my way downstairs and see Travis opening the door for his mom. She looks at me sympathetically and I practically jump into her arms and start sobbing. She rubs my back and holds me close, "It's gonna be okay baby girl. It's gonna be okay." Travis puts his hand on my shoulder, "Tay what happened? Why are you crying? And why is my mom here?" I look at him to see what look is on his face. A look of pity. He's playing the victim. Like he did nothing wrong. "She's here to talk some sense into your stupid ass!" He looks at me concerned, "Tay, what?" I sob and run off, "Stop acting like I'm the one that's fucked up in the head! You are! Not me!"

I hear Donna start yelling at Travis, "Travis Michael Kelce, what the hell is wrong with you? Do you know how amazing that girl is? How patient and kind she is? Travis you have been pushing her away for a month and she's stayed. Not many girls would do that. That girl, she loves you. She really really loves you. And somewhere in that stupid heart of yours you love her too. She is the love of your life Travis. You need to get your head out of your ass and realize that." Travis groans, "Just because I don't want babies doesn't mean I don't love her." Donna sighs, "Why do you suddenly not want the twins?" For the first time during this situation, Travis starts crying, "Because what good would I be to 4 kids when I don't have a job, when I ended my career. What role model and provider would that make me?"

"That's your only issue?" Donna questions. "The biggest one." Donna sighs, "Travis you're a multi millionaire, and your fiancee is a billionaire, you honestly don't need a job. You have enough money for a lifetime without a job. And you ended your career because of an injury, you were a great player and Chloe and Jayden see that, they know that. Travis these twins are going to be here in like 30 or less weeks. You need to get your act together. Taylor needs you. These babies need a dad. And you know damn well telling her to get an abortion was the worst thing you have ever done in your life. You need to get your shit figured out. If I was Taylor I would've left. You don't deserve her forgiveness but you still need to earn it."

Travis sighs and breaks down, "I can't handle it mom. There's too much going on in my head. I need Taylor. I need her. But I can't have her because every time I have her I mess it up. So I don't want to have her. And that's why I'm pushing her away. Because I'm a terrible boyfriend." Donna scoffs, "You choose now to decide you can't be a good boyfriend." Travis sighs, "Yes because I've hurt her so much the past month. She doesn't deserve any of it. She will never forgive me. I don't want her to forgive me. But I can't fail 2 babies. Chloe was never the baby age. I can't do it. I will fail them. They deserve a father better than me."

Chloe goes over to Travis, "Daddy! I want snuggles!" Travis picks her up and holds her close. Donna sighs, "Seems like you're doing just fine as a father. Figure things out. But damn Travis! Don't try and tell your girlfriend to have an abortion. You were so excited for these babies. And deep down you still are. Show it. Fix things. Heal your relationship. Taylor has been through enough. She doesn't need a shitty fiancée on top of that."

Travis nods and walks over to me, "Tay can we cuddle?" Is all he says. It's a step forward I guess.

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