~chapter 34~ Now im Covered in You

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Taylor's POV (February 5th)
I just woke up. Well... my phone woke me up. It has rang like 10 times in the past 2 minutes, and I keep getting a bunch of texts. Not something a pregnant woman is happy to be woken up to. You never wake a pregnant woman. I glance at my phone and its Tree. Every single notification is from Tree. I need to pee before I talk to this woman. My thoughts are interrupted by someone banging on the door. What the hell? I look to the side of me and see Travis still sleeping soundly. Last night was the first night we shared a bed in over a month. I'm going to regret this... but I place a hand on his chest and I kiss his lips to wake him up.

After about 3 kisses and a little chest rubbing, his eyes flutter awake. He looks at me lovingly, "mm, morning?" There's more banging at the door. "The hell? Who is banging on the door this early, and like that?" I groan, "Most likely Tree, I have like 10 missed calls and 30 missed spam "TAYLOR" texts from her." He sighs, "She's not happy. Why's she even in Kansas City?" I shake my head, "I have no clue. But I need to pee. Can you go let the devil through our door?" He chuckles and gets up, he puts shorts on, kisses my head and then walks out the bedroom door. I put on a tank top and sweats before I head into our master bathroom.

When I'm out I make my way downstairs and I see Tree death staring my fiancée. "Good morning Tree!" I say in a happy tone, just to irritate her some more. "Taylor Alison! Warning would've been nice!" Tree yells. "Shh, my 5 year old is still asleep," I say softly. "She can know her mom is a poopy head," Tree says. "What?" I giggle. Tree looks at me in a soft but angry gaze, "Tay, sweetheart, I love you, I do. But I can't keep waking up to these Instagram posts! You need to tell me ahead of time. I've gotten so many questions, so many messages. And I don't know how to answer them, or if I should answer them, because I wasn't talked to!"

I sigh and sit down, "I promise you, as soon as I posted this one, I thought, oh shit! I didn't warn Tree!" She looks at me, "You could've called immediately after. Instead you didn't say anything, and I woke up to it." I sigh, "I'm sorry. I was just so excited." Tree nods, "I'm sure you were, and I am so happy for you. But that doesn't give you an excuse to put your publicist on the back burner." I nod, "I'm sorry.. you will be getting a raise." She shakes her head, "Baby, I don't care about the money! I care about you and your safety, your kids safety. All I ask is that you call me next time, okay?" I nod as Tree wraps her arms around me, "I love you so much Tay, congratulations." I smile, "Thank you, I love you too."

Chloe comes running downstairs in a shirt and underwear, "I heard Auntie Tree!" I look at her and giggle, but Tree speaks for me, "There's my favorite girl, where are your pants?" She asks picking Chloe up and smothering her in kisses. Chloe squeals and giggles, "They're in my room. I didn't have time to put them on, I was too excited to see you!" Tree laughs, "I'm happy to see you too sweetie, but let's go get you some pants." Chloe nods in agreement as she takes Tree's hand and leads her upstairs to her room.

I look at Travis, "Can we have Tree take Chloe for a few hours?" He raises an eyebrow, "Why?" I look at him earnestly, "Travis, I NEED sex. Like very very badly. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I need your dick inside of me. I don't care how rocky our relationship is right now. Your penis never fails to please me." I walk over to him and rub his bare chest as I nibble his ear, "Please, fuck me." His breathing slows and he grabs my waist and starts kissing my neck. Im disappointed when he suddenly stops, "Tay, Chloe's still here." I nod my head, "Exactly, that's why I want Tree to take her. Please?" He nods and kisses my cheek, "Okay." I smile at him and run upstairs to Tree and Chloe.

"Hey Tree, you wanna take Chloe for a few hours? She could use some auntie Tree time," I propose. Tree looks at me concerned, Chloe isn't looking at me, so I put my hands down and make one of those like tiktok.. hand, penis motions. Tree tries not laugh, but she nods, "Yeah, that sounds fun. Chloe you wanna come hangout with me? We can go get breakfast, go to Urban Air, and your favorite ice cream shop." Chloe jumps up, "Urban Air!?!?" Tree nods and Chloe claps her hands excitedly causing both Tree and I to laugh. "Brush your teeth and your hair, then you can go," I boss. Chloe runs to her bathroom.

"Thank you," I say to Tree, with a smile. She nods, "An increased sex drive is very common in the second trimester." I laugh, "So I've heard. I'm just surprised I made it from week 16-20, without sex during the second trimester. I'm very horny, but my relationship with Travis has been way too rocky. We're somewhat better now, and he slept in our bed last night, so it's time to please me. I NEED him to please me." Tree shakes her and laughs, "Well glad I can help with giving you privacy." I smile, "Why are you in Kansas City anyways?" Tree bites her lip, "Well... I was a mad publicist, so I kinda flew here as soon as I saw your post." I look at her, "Wowww, Tree." She shrugs with a smile.


10 minutes later Chloe and Tree are gone. I look at Travis with the biggest smile on my face.
Now all that remained was the quiet murmur of my heart beating steadily in rhythm with my fiancée's. Travis stood mere inches away, his gaze locking with mine as a slow smile spread across his face. My breaths grew ragged looking at his smile, my pulse quickening as I felt the magnetic pull drawing us closer together. My fingers grazed along his muscular arms, tracing paths of pleasure that led to a destination only known to the two of us.

"Now, we explore each other," I whispered, my voice barely audible against the swelling silence. With a gentle nod, Travis reached out to cup my cheek, his thumb caressing my skin in a tender dance of desire. His lips met mine in a kiss filled with longing.. a testament to the passion we have for one another. "I've missed you," he breathed, his warm breath mingling with the scent of my perfume. His hands roamed over my back, sliding downwards until they found purchase on my hips.

With every brush of his fingertips, I shivered, my body reacting to the familiar yet exhilarating sensation of his touch. Our mouths parted, and I leaned into him, my voice quivering as I spoke. "Trav, I've missed being close to you.. in every sense of the word." He nodded, his eyes never leaving my face. "Me too, babe. We've got a lot of catching up to do." And with that, I only grew hornier. We moved as one, shedding our clothes like discarded memories of past encounters.

My eyes wandered over Travis's bare chest, taking in the rippling muscles that beckoned my touch. His gaze lingered on my curves, his mouth watering at the sight of my swollen breasts and glistening thighs. Each touch sent shivers dancing down my spines, my body yearning for more. "You're beautiful," Travis murmured, running his fingers along my thigh, inching closer to the apex of my legs. "So damn beautiful." I arched my back, pressing myself against him, wanting to feel every inch of his skin against mine.

My nails dug into his shoulders, pulling him closer still. I could hear his heart pounding in time with mine, the steady beat echoing our need for each other. "I want you," I moaned, my lips brushing against his neck as I kissed him. "I need you inside me." Travis smiled, his eyes shining with lust. "Then let's not waste any more time." He gently lifted me onto the bed, his eyes never leaving my face. He crawled onto the mattress carefully.

His eyes locked onto mine as he slid his hand underneath my shirt, tracing patterns on my bare skin. I gasped softly, my nipples hardening in response to his touch. "You know how much I love you, right?" he asked, his voice low and rough, sending shivers down my spine. I nodded, my eyes sparkling with emotion. "And I love you just as much. No matter how hard times get, Travis."

"Good. Because I don't think I can last much longer without you." With a swift motion, he yanked off my panties, exposing my glistening folds and delicate pink clit. I gasped, my legs instinctively spreading apart to give him better access. Who cares if those panties were $1200. Travis lowered himself, planting sweet kisses all over my inner thighs before finally reaching my dripping entrance. "Mmm, you taste even better than I remembered," he groaned, teasing me with his hot breath. I squirmed in delight, my pussy throbbing with anticipation.

"Make love to me, Travis. Show me how much you've missed me." Travis obliged, kissing my lips, then moving down my neck, his tongue darting out to lick my collarbone. "You're so fucking sexy, baby." "Please," I pleaded, arching my back as he continued his sensual journey southward. "Touch me there." Travis chuckled softly, his fingers tracing circles on my baby bump.

"Oh, I'll touch you, everywhere."

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