In the Shadows

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Lyall the Werewolf: Originally on FanFiction.Net, I am now cross-posting Rise of the Sword and Shield on Wattpad.

So, without further ado, let's get started.

(I don't own Senran Kagura or Shield Hero)


"Let me ask you boys something... are you children on the playground?" asked King Aultcray, boring down on a nervous Motoyasu and Itsuki. Their respective parties were waiting outside the throne room.

"N-No, sir..." Motoyasu weakly answered.

"We're not children..." Itsuki replied nervously.

"Then tell me, why have there been rumors of Asuka-dono choosing to leave the Adventurer's Guild all week?" Aultcray asked. He had received reports from the knights and his retainer about these rumors. Needless to say, he was not happy to hear of them so late and called for the two Heroes involved immediately to answer for this.

"W-Well, she thinks she's caused trouble at the guild." Motoyasu replied, before pointing at Itsuki, "And that is entirely his fault."

Predictably, Itsuki was immediately irate, "What?! Don't you dare-"

"Stop!" Aultcray demanded before the two Heroes broke into another argument. "I have heard rumors regarding this matter, and the most suggested theory was due to a dispute between the Three Heroes. Would either of you care to explain what this dispute entails?"

"It's just like what I said. Itsuki's the one at fault! He was being a butthead to her!" said Motoyasu.

"Why am I the only one at fault here?!" Itsuki asked hotly, "You were the one creeping around her and invading her personal space!"

"In other words, you're both to blame?" Aultcray glared in annoyance at the two Heroes barking at each other, making them flinch.

That was the second time they heard that accusation. The first was over a week ago from that receptionist Asuka was friends with.

The King began to formulate the precise reason for Asuka's departure from the guild, and it had to do with the two Heroes who were presumably pestering her for some reason.

Aultcray turned to another man in the throne room. He wore white, gold, and red holy robes and small round spectacles. Around his neck, he wore a rosary of symbols of the Sword, Spear, and Bow. It symbolized his church, the Three Heroes Church.

"I'm sure you both are acquainted with Pope Biscas T. Balmus," said Aultcray.

"Yes, he informed us about this country's religion, the Three Heroes Church," answered Itsuki.

"It warms my heart to know that you remember me, Bow Hero-sama." Pope Balmus said, "However, after catching wind of these rumors about the Sword Hero, I took the liberty of sending some of my followers to the guild to confirm what had happened,"

There was an eerie shine to Balmus's glasses. It made Motoyasu and Itsuki flinch once again. Knowing that the Three Heroes Church was keeping tabs on them didn't help their anxiety.

"I must admit, I am disappointed by what they uncovered." Balmus said as he shook his head, "Not only were you harassing the Sword Hero, but you also demeaned her for her activities and commitment to preparing for the Waves. The adventurers and guild staff were very honest about that,"

The two young Heroes began to sweat. They never expected the adventurers at the guild to rat them out like this.

"I'll ask one last time... how did it come to Asuka-dono leaving the guild and vowing to never come back?" Aultcray asked. His stringent gaze fell to Motoyasu, "We'll start with you, Motoyasu-dono. What was your part in the harassment and mocking? Itsuki-dono claimed you were making an effort to invade Asuka-dono's personal space. Are you trying to become like the Shield Hero?!"

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