Lute Village

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Lyall the Werewolf: Once again, I apologize for the long absence. Life can be... life, you know?

I'm glad everyone liked how I implanted Elena into Asuka's party. Although, I think some may be exaggerating when they say Elena will eventually betray Asuka's group. It's possible, but it is pretty early in their dynamic, so Elena has time to prove her loyalty if she has any. One can only imagine how heartbroken Motoyasu would be if he found out Elena was sent to spy on Asuka.

I'm also glad everyone has taken to Hien's presence in the Shield Hero world well. What this means going forward is still up the air.

Enough about that. Onto the chapter!

(I don't own Senran Kagura or Shield Hero)


Sometime after visiting the apothecary and the old witch per his recommendation, Naofumi and Raphtalia waited by the Castle-Town gate. The witch gave them grimoires as thanks for helping to protect her grandson in Lute Village with Asuka. She also informed him that she gave a grimoire to Asuka before she disappeared and asked them to give her reassurance to the Sword Hero about how the Spear Hero treated her gift.

"So, Asuka got mad at Motoyasu for treating the grimoire the old witch gave her badly. That ended up becoming part of why she left the guild." Naofumi deduced.

"The Spear Hero really has no respect, does he?" Raphtalia frowned.

"I'm sure he learned a thing or two about respect after the duel." Naofumi smirked evilly.

Meanwhile, the guards posted at the gate silently observe the Shield Hero and his slave. They stayed quiet despite their reservations about them casually waiting by the gate. After all, the Sword Hero could show up and make them regret their rudeness. She already stated her low opinion of them. Most of their incompetence wasn't their fault, though. After all, the current Captain was the most incompetent leader the Royal Knights have had in years. Just because the King appointed him as Captain via the First Princess's suggestion doesn't mean he was cut out to lead. The foot soldiers couldn't voice their opinion on that either, for fear of losing their jobs.

Naofumi kept a subtle eye on the knights. He could tell he and Raphtalia were unwanted, but they behaved themselves. To be honest, working with the knights who stayed at Lute Village wasn't all bad. The subcommander and young knight still stuck out in his mind. Of course, it wouldn't hurt to stay vigilant around them. At least until Asuka and her party arrived.

"Hey guys!"

Speak of the devil.

Naofumi and Raphtalia turned in the direction of Asuka's voice, only to be surprised by the Sword Hero pulling the carriage by herself while Rino and Elena were passengers.

"She's really pulling it herself..." Naofumi uttered in disbelief.

"Sorry we're late. You guys ready to go?" Asuka asked. Her tone seemed more excitable than normal. Naofumi noticed it right away.

"Yeah. We weren't waiting long." Naofumi answered.

"Great! Hope in and I'll have us at Lute Village in almost no time!"

"Lute Village isn't that far from the capital, but whatever." Naofumi thought as he and Raphtalia entered the carriage.

Asuka presented a merchant's pass in front of the guards. It was given to her by Elena, so she can avoid paying tolls. After they approved, she wheeled the carriage past the gate while the guards looked confused.

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