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~Third Person POV~

   The next morning, Bleacher blew his dog whistle for roll call. "Bell. Benz. Chucklesworth. Crunch. Wonka. (L/n)." 

"Bleacher? Toilet's blocked again!" Mrs. Scrubitt's voice could be heard. Bleacher rolled his eyes with annoyance. Willy and (Y/n) looked up at where the voice came from. "Ah! The unmistakable sound of love." Willy sighed as the two walked towards the washroom side by side. 

"You what?"

They came back to look at Bleacher with fake surprise. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed. She's madly in love with you!" (Y/n) said, earning a nod of agreement from Willy.

"Mrs. Scrubitt?!"

"Besotted. And why not? Look at you: a fine figure of a man. You just need to tidy yourself up a bit, get some new clothes, have a bath." Willy listed on. 

"A bath?" 

"Yeah! You do know what they say?" 

"What do they say, right?" Willy asked lowly as if he was telling a secret. 

"What do they say?" 

"She'll be thankful for an ankle... " Willy Whispered.


"...and pleased to see your knees..." (Y/n) muttered.


"but if you want to make her sigh... " 

"Tell me."

"show her some thigh," They said in unison. 

Bleacher smiled at that. "Bleacher! It's up to my ankles! You're cleaning that up!" Mrs. Scrubitt shouted again. He quickly pushed the two through the doorway. "Get in there! Silly kids." 

The two walked around the laundry area, throwing some sheets into the basket. 

"First you pick up the apparel And you put it in the barrel Scrub Scrub!" The two grabbed some rope and rollers, throwing them into the basket, catching Crunch's attention. "Just grabbing a few things." Willy quickly stated.

"Then you take it to the mangle Making sure you don't get strangledScrub Scrub!"

The two walked to either side of a ladder Lottie was using and took it, leaving the woman dangling. The two disappear into the wash area of the place and the duo pokes their head out to look at Tiddles. They each held up a small piece of their trousers. "Oh Tiddles, here's your chance to chew our mailman pants!" They ran off and the dog chased after them. They smirked as they closed the door. 

After not too long, the two quickly opened the door to the washing area, startling the other workers. Inside was now a large washing machine that was run by Tiddles, who was trying to grab a patch of their pants. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present a brand new contraption of our own creation, an innovation in laundrification." Willy introduced. Now, how does Tiddles want to spend his time? Running after mailmen! And what do we have to do all day?" (Y/n) asked.

"Scrub Scrub!"

"Exactly! Well with Willy Wonka'sWild and Wonderful Woof-o-maticWonka-Walker -- please don't make me say it again -- he gets to run while we can have fun." He gestured to himself and the (H/c) beside him. 

Willy took (Y/n)'s hand and walked towards the dumb waiter, quickly grabbing his and (Y/n)'s items. The rest of the crew quickly followed him as the duo could quietly be seen playfully bickering about who should carry (Y/n)'s coat. "Sweets and I are just popping out for a bit." They scooted into the small cramped area. Willy grabbed two empty laundry bags and lifted the dumb waiter. "We'll be back by roll call, but until then Tiddles has agreed to.."

Sweets - Wonka (2023) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now