Jisoo Noona

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4 years ago ~

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4 years ago ~

I walked around the corridor, finding for my classroom. I'm a student here to complete my studies in university and then move abroad for higher masters. I'm a bit shy around new faces, so it's hard to adjust for me.

It's been a year since I joined this university, but I'm still not able to make friends. I do talk to Jimin and Chaeyoung, but we don't have the same classes, so I don't see them that often, and I'm usually alone on my own.

I even got bullied sometimes, but Jimin saved me. Due to the lack of confidence, I was never able to say what I wanted to and always ended up agreeing to whatever the latter said.

So I choose to avoid everyone beside Jimin and Chaeyoung. I don't talk to Chaeyoung that much either cause of my huge crush on her, I was so nervous to even look at her for more than a few seconds.

No one knows about my tiny crush on her, and even though I wouldn't want her to know a tiny part of me, I still hope for her to recognize my feelings, but that's never gonna happen.

[ corridor ]

As I was walking in the corridor towards my locker to get my books for today's class, I bumped into some seniors. They were all those muscular buff guys that you would want to stay away from.

"I'm sorry." I said, which didn't come out much audible. "What, sorry, huh? Can't you see while you walk. You got glasses, yet you can't see." The guy said and pushed me, hard enough for me to fall on my ass.

"Hey! Why are you messing with the guy!" A feminine voice said, and this wasn't Chaeyoung for sure. I looked back at the person, and I was right. It wasn't Chaeyoung but rather a shorter girl with darker hair.

She walked towards us with confidence that I would never have. "What's wrong with you? He did apologize, I saw it." She said in her deep voice with her arms crossed around her chest area.

I wouldn't lie. She was hella pretty. If I hadn't met Chaeyoung, I would definitely fall for her. Todo looked at her and said, "I'm leaving cause you're a girl." That's why I wanna be friends with Todo cause even though he bullies most of the nerds, but he's still a gentleman to the nice girls.

(Not me using JJK characters 💀 yeah that's Aoi Todo

(Not me using JJK characters 💀 yeah that's Aoi Todo

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This guy)

"Here." She said as she forwarded her hand for me to hold and get up, and I did the same. I dust my clothes to get the dirt out and thanked her.

"Thank you for helping me." I said as I bowed. "It's okay, and does that guy annoy you often?" She asked, gesturing towards the way Todo went. "Oh, no. He isn't a bad guy. He is a bit hard-headed, but he's mostly nice." I said.

"Sounds weird, but I'll take that. Anyways, can I ask for a small help?" She asked cutely, making me smile and nod. "Can you help me find the principal's office? Actually, I'm new here. I just moved back from Paris." She asked.

"Sure, this way." I said quietly and led the way. When she got her schedule, I dropped her to her class, and it turned out she's in the same class just as me just a year older than me. She sat beside me cause I was the only one she knew, and it felt great to have a friend during class as well.

Usually, I just attend the class, being all quiet, then leave when it's break time, but today, as she was with me, her name is Jisoo Kim Jisoo. I can't wait to introduce her to Jimin and Chaeyoung. It's the first time I made a friend on my own. When me and Jimin met Chae, I wasn't the one interacting much, and Jimin was the one to make me join the conversation, and later on, we three became friends.

"Let's head to the cafeteria. I'll introduce you to my friends as they're way more social than me." I said, but the last sentence came out a bit hesitant. Even though i badly wanna be friends with more people but they never stayed as i wasn't quite much of a talkative person, i felt I would bore her too, and she'll leave like them. I saw her looking at me and immediately looked down.

'I can't handle a girl's stare even if I take her as my sister or whatever.'

"Jungkook, are you afraid that you're making me bored?" She asked as she frowned at me.

'Holy shit!! How did she know?!!'

"Well, if I'm right, then don't think like that. You don't need to be a talking machine to maintain a friendship, right?" She said, and I nodded with a slight smile. Then we headed to the cafeteria where Jimin and Chaeyoung were already waiting for me, but seeing Jisoo-shi behind me, they frowned slightly.

"Hey, Jimin and.. Chaeyoung. This is Jisoo, I met her this morning.." I said, and I was usually like that around Chaeyoung, stopping in mid sentence was normal for me. Her sudden look at me when I talked, oh god bless my heart with some power to hold her stares.

We all sat there together and both of them started asking her questions like- where is she from? A little about her family and all that stuff. She said that she's originally from here itself but had to move to Paris cause her father wanted to extend their family business and wanted to take his family together so that he wouldn't miss seeing his childern grow and they finally came back after her brother started working there now that he had a wife.

She was different and such a nice person, no wonder we all four became good friends in such a short amount of time.

[Walking beside the basketball court, it's an open ground]

We all were walking side by side, Jisoo walked with Jimin and I walked beside Chaeyoung nervous af... I can't handle this close proximity.

My heart almost popped out of my chest when she hit my shoulder laughing at something Jisoo said. She continued laughing and looked at me and I was already smiling at her. I like seeing her smile.

"Are you two gonna look at eachother only?" Jisoo said that made me realise that she was looking at me too and both of us were staring at eachother. I immediately looked away.

"Are they dating?" Jisoo asked Jimin and I can't get any more red. Please stop it guys.

"Sadly, no." Jimin replied and I still can't face them, i don't  know what is Chaeyoung's reaction to it but I'm not daring to look at her right now.

"Watch out." Someone said and we all looked behind but was too late cause the ball already hit Jisoo on the back of her head.

"What the hell."


Hey guys, i guess I'm way too late to update this one.. I'll try being more frequent with updates either here or other platform.

So tell me how you like it..

This was the first chapter for past..

Jungkook's past story will not tell you that much about the main plot.. it will start after Jungkook's pov.

Well, we will know everything with Jungkook only so I guess that wait is gonna be a little longer.

See you soon

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