Chapter One

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Author Note: As a long time fan of Call of Duty I am hoping to do the characters justice. This story will follow the campaign story line of the 2022 release of MWII with some canon inserts from the comic series released a while ago. I will try to make the story line as canon as possible with just inserts of the OC and Konig who isn't canon to the campaign. This will most likely be a very long slow burn before eventual smut. Cross posted to AO3


"I didn't say you could fall asleep" I hear from an unseen shadow as cold water splashes across my face. I sputter awake at the sudden reminder of where I am and that I wasn't getting out. Captured. MIA.

"I wasn't sleeping, only daydreaming about how it will feel when your blood runs down my hands" I spat at the dark corner, only hearing a low chuckle in response.

'How many days has it been?' I wonder to myself as I realize I lost count from the lack of windows. Twelve. Twelve days is where I lost count as they began bringing food at different, random intervals to further torture me.



       My head snaps at the sound as I look up at the source. Across from me sits Laswell, the only one who vouched for me to return to regular duty after everything. Most others believe I am mentally unfit for duty after I failed my last mission, hell, even I doubt my own abilities anymore from time to time.

      The chopper blades begin to slow down and become quieter and I soon realize I have landed at my destination, just now realizing how much time has passed in my own thoughts and past. I quickly grab my one bag that contains my entire life and jump out, joining Laswell who stood outside waiting.

  "I'm putting my name on the line getting you in here, but I think this will be a great fit for you" Laswell continues once I reach her side, "this team is the best of the best and do the things no one else wants to, they're a lot like you..." Laswell trails off as I stop walking and peer up at her. Laswell isn't necessarily tall but everyone is tall to me at only 5'3", one of the many things about me that makes others doubt my abilities.

 "What do you mean by that?" I respond after a moment, hesitant to argue with Laswell as she did save my entire career.

"Well..." Laswell began, looking over me at nothing, trying to form the words.

"You don't have to be gentle with me" I respond, noticing her hesitance.

Laswell then looks down at me before gently responding, "everyone on this task force has been through hell and back, some went through the same hell as you specifically." Laswell peers into my eyes searching for any signs of recognition.

"You mean captured and tortured." I respond flatly, knowing exactly what she meant.

"Yes." Laswell curtly responds as we both continue our journey towards the off-grid base that will become my new home.

"Did they get rescued by other soldiers?" I questioned her pointedly, knowing my voice was more agitated than I intended.

We both continue our walk towards the door of the smaller side building for a moment before Laswell finally responded, "yes, they were rescued. All except Ghost, he rescued himself."

I stopped with my hand reaching for the handle, as I place my fingers around the cold steel I finally respond, "then only this 'Ghost' knows what I've been through." I curtly state before opening the looming door and entering, Laswell following shortly after.

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