Chapter Fifteen

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Author Note: Actually, I lied on the previous chapter (sorry), this isn't the final chapter as I got carried away wrapping up their story! There will be one more chapter after this one that I almost have finished that will be *heavy* on the smut, this chapter has only a minimal amount, hope you enjoy!


I opened my eyes to a blinding light above me. I squinted instinctively and covered my face,

"You're awake," I hear a low voice grumble next to me.

I look to my side to see König sitting next to me, leaned back in a chair with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs spread out in front of him,

"You were only out for half a day this time," he finishes with an edge to his voice.

"Where's the rest of the team?" I ask, ignoring his obvious attitude, taking note that I was back at base in a hospital bed.

"We found Valeria while we were clearing the base and got Hassan's location, the rest of the team left to get him, I wasn't needed so I stayed back," he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"You hit your head in the crash and have a concussion but doc says it wasn't major and you'll be back up in a few days, come see me when that time comes," he continues firmly as he stands up, gives a final glance down at me and turns and leaves the room.

I groan as I close my eyes again, my head throbbing still. This man is seriously upset with me doing my job? He needs to accept this as par for the course if anything is going to work between us. I let myself drift back off to sleep, for once welcoming it if it means I don't have to think about König and his temper tantrum.

The days pass by slowly as my mood sours more and more as I note König hasn't come to see me once. The team has returned, the mission successful and Hassan neutralized. They loved telling me the story of Ghost's sniper shot that killed him and saved Soap.

My leg has healed up quite well and the doctors are also happy with the progression of my concussion and finally release me after 5 days and I'm anxious to get to König. My brain has been swimming with thoughts and worries in his absence, the emptiness I felt without him worrying over me was noticeable.

I make my way to find König as I'm quickly overtaken with the rest of the team, all giving me words of encouragement and pride at what I did,

"We're taking you out to celebrate!" Soap shouts excitedly.

"There's a bar in the town nearby, always full and lots of dancing so get dressed, we leave in a few hours," Price interjects with a pat on the back, "it's good to have you back," he finishes with a smile as he walks off.

Everyone begins leaving until there is only one large presence left. König. I look at him, glaring daggers at him before I make my way to him, stabbing a finger into his chest as hard as I can,

"You can't get mad at me for doing my JOB," I begin, "this is seriously so childish König, like-"

"I know," König interrupts, leaving me in silent shock as I expected a fight.

"I was just scared I was going to lose you, and seeing you unconscious again just reminded me I didn't keep you safe" he continues with a break in his voice.

"König..." I begin, unable to be upset anymore as I place my hands on his chest.

"None of this is your fault, it's just our jobs, it's going to happen, I know it won't be easy but you need to separate us from the job," I finish while placing a hand on his covered face.

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