chapter four

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I dumped the contence of my bag in the middle of the clearing and rumaged through it, picking out the things that would be useful. I set aside the pen knife, one box of matches, the jacket, the torch and the tattered blanket. I grabbed the pen knife and walked over to a fairly large oak tree. I swifty pulled out the knife and sawed off a few branches. The weather was so warm and there had been no rain for a few days now,  which meant that the wood was hard and dry, perfect for fires. i walked over to another tree but this one had loads of twigs surrounding it. I gathered them up and threw them in a pile to my right. I didnt realise that the pile was half of the size of me. I think thats enough. I stood up and dusted off my hands. I bent over to pick up pile of branches, I carried them over and dumped them in a neat pile. I tried  to prop them ip in a t p style but it was just being awkward. It kept collapsing so I decided to leave it in a pile. The temperature was begining to decline quickly, so I struck a match and set the Branches on fire. I had arranged rocks and stones around the bottom of the fire to keep it enclosed and together. I fell back onto my knees and observed the flickering of the flames. I loved how the flames danced in and out of each other in total sync. I pulled myself away from the fire and Stumbled over to a tree  which was half covered with spongy soft moss. I pulled out handfuls of the stuff and placed it on the ground about a metre or so away from the fire. The moss acted like a bed, I think I stripped the tree completly of the moss but i didnt care. I trew my old jacket around my shoulders and curled up on my moss bed. I pulled the tattered blanket around my body but my mind was still very active. It was going through everything that happened today. I was entranced by the dancing of the flames and it all felt so magical. The fire was radiating heat so generously, The warmth covered my whole body as my mind drifted off. 

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