Chapter two

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I lunged forward and fell out into the park. I was so tired that my legs gave way and i fell to the ground. A passer by helped me, but as soon as i was up I began to run again. I headed straight to the thick tree-line that hugged the perimetre of the park. It was a dark wood like area and all I could hear were the birds chipping. The sun was splitting the trees. The tree-line had a very tall fence lining the park. The fence went the whole was around the park fencing us all in. There was a dark forest, that every one said was haunted, on the other side of the fence. We were always dared as kids to run inside the forest, we knew that only one bar on the fence was wobbly so I headed straight for it. As soon as i fumbled my way along the fence i found it. I slowly but carefully hauled ithe bar to the side, so i could climb over into the spooky freedom which was the forest. I wasnt particulary scared because i was sixteen and it didnt bother me. I triped a little pulling my right foot over my left foot was firmly on the ground. The ground welcomed me as i hit the soft earth under me. There was tangled tree branches all around me. I can see why people thought that it was haunted but really, all forests look like this. I quickly pulled myself off the ground clinging onto the trunk of an oak tree. To be honest I actually thought that this forest was the most beautiful thing in the whole world. There was rabbits running free,   wild mushrooms and garlic grew in tufts every where. I took it all in. I could sence the scent of wild daises, garlic and mushrooms. The aroma was just outstanding. All this time I had just been standing at the enterance thinking... Right, I better get a move on, i told myself. I silently walked back over to the fence and set the bar back in place as if I had never been there. I lifted some vines and leaves and placed them in the dent that i had created i the soft dirt. There, now there was no sign of me ever being there. I slowly plundered away still managing to bask in the beauty of the forest.


Authors note.

Im really enjoying writing this book and i will probably end up writing the whole book  today... sorry if there is grammar mistakes im writing this on my grannys computor and it doesnt have spell check :( but please vote and read!! :)

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