Chapter Seventeen

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Andy got up and made his way over to the bathroom, he left me alone for a minute and then re-entered, carrying a towel. He dried off his hands and chucked the towel on his bed. ''Well, your very tidy!'' I stating mocking him and sticking out my tongue. He starred at me for a second, trying to hide his smile with a pretend look of offense dancing off his features. ''Well, your rude!'' He exclaimed grinning at me. I got up off my beanbag and casually dragged it over to where I got it from, ''You didn't have to do that...'' Andy trailed off. ''Well... I did and you can't do anything about it!'' I chirped playfully. ''Hm... what can I do...'' Andy trailed off, he seemed to be scanning his mind for something mischievous.

He suddenly burst out laughing and stalked over to the ring of beanbags. He decided to lift up one of the bean bags and threw it across the room. My jaw nearly hit the floor! I burst out laughing and the next thing I got a flying beanbag whack against my face! ''HEY!'' I exclaimed and lifted a beanbag in response! I sent it flying at Andy. He didn't see it because he turned his back on me. It hit him with a thud and he toppled over. I laughed and laughed and then I fell to the ground. I was lying on the floor laughing and crying. ''My siiiiiides hurt!'' I whined. ''Oh shut up!'' Andy screamed at me from the floor. Andy crawled over, he lay on the floor beside me and we starred into each others eyes. I started laughing again, my mind decided to replay the last events. ''Whaaaat? Is it my face?'' Andy questioned. ''Haha aw no! Your beautiful!'', I exclaimed,''My mind was just replaying you falling to the ground!'' ''Oh haha yeah I guess it was pretty funny'' Andy said, sincerely and slightly  blushing. ''Nawwww... your blushing!'' I  teased, poking his cheeks. He started laughing and the he looked me in the eyes.

Wow... It was like he was starring into my soul... I couldn't think straight, all I could focus on is his bright blue eyes scavenging though my head, reading my mind. Whoops, I forgot they could all do that. He leaned in close, our lips bearly touching, he was about to close the gap. Our eyes never let our gaze, it was like they were frozen into place. There was literally a centimetre gap, my heart was racing.

"NAW! LOOK AT THE TWO LOVE BIRDS!" Screamed Ashley from the doorway. We instantly pulled apart. "GOD DAMMIT ASHLEY!"shouted Andy, outraged. "Sorry, I'm sorry guys, it was just so cute!"Said Ashley making a heart shape with his fingers. "Damn, Its alright..."I trailed off with sadness in my voice.  It had almost happened, I think I'm in love with Andy...


Authors Note

SORRY GUYS! OMG i have been so busy, exams, music, music, music, music, friends and stuff!!! I am trying my best to update regularly, when summer comes i will do more i promise. I'm literally typing this up in class :) VOTE, COMMENT, FAN!


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