Year 1- The Boy-Who-Lived, The Brightest Witch and The Philosopher's stone!

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Harry first saw Hermione when she barged into the cabin he was sharing with Ron Weasley, the redhead who became his first friend coming to Hogwarts, asking about a toad that belonged to some boy named Neville. She was like a force of nature as she invited herself into the cabin, thinking Ron was going to perform a spell, which turned out to be dud, sold to Ron by his prankster twin brothers. She then bragged, unknowingly, that every spell she tried from the texts worked properly and then used a charm, considerably advanced for a first year, to repair his glasses that were barely held together by cello tape. After warning them about putting on their robes, as they were close to Hogsmeade station, she was gone from the compartment. He remembered seeing her on the boat with him and then talking about the things she read in Hogwarts a history, an actually interesting book which he would never say because it may offend his redhead friend. While he did find her a bit overwhelming, there was something, which he couldn't put a finger on, attracting his attention to her. He was both intimated and impressed with the courage she carried herself, and it came off as no surprise to him when she was sorted into Gryffindor. 

The second time he noticed her was when she partnered with him in Potions class, which went bloody awful, for all his excitement for the class. The greasy git...erm... Dungeon bat...ahem...Professor Snape seemed to have it out for him. He quizzed him with questions, that he was sure, would be found far ahead in the book, and made him feel miserable when he couldn't answer them. Hermione knew the answers to all of it. He supposed he shouldn't be that surprised, seeing how single single-handedly earned more points than other First year Gryffindors combined, but seeing the greasy Professor ignore her seemed to touch him wrong. He protested the action, only to have more points deducted from Gryffindor. He stayed miserably quiet rest of the class. When the class ended, he thought she was going to be angry at him for losing so many points, but when he tried to apologize for it, she just patted his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic smile. And Merlin, it looked beautiful to Harry.

The third time he remembered interacting with her was when he was announced as the Youngest Seeker in the century and was afraid of mucking it all up. She dragged him and his redhead friend to a small collection of awards and showed him his father's name written on an award shield that was given for Quidditch. It had certainly raised his spirits, but he was dragged out by Ron before he could thank her properly.

The Fourth time, she accompanied him and Ron to the trophy room, as Ron had gone ahead and accepted a challenge of the duel on Harry's behalf. She told them that she was joining to make sure that they don't get into trouble with teachers, but Harry could see worry for them on her face. The trip to the trophy room had somehow ended with them by chased by Filch and them meeting a cerebus in the forbidden corridor on the 3rd floor. At the end of the adventure, she had been furious not talking to either Ron or him. He was a bit saddened at the loss of possible friendship, but the youngest Weasley had kept him distracted for most of the time.

And now the redhead, his first friend had been a bully and sent her crying. He wanted to protest, wanted to say many things to Ron and run after her, but couldn't bring up the courage to break off his first friendship. Though he knew that Hermione's tears were a line Ron shouldn't have crossed. Harry had already reached to the breaking point of annoyance at Ron's Weasley. He had decided to apologize to her when he saw her next time, for everything he had done, including the Cerebus incident. 

He was worried when he didn't see her at the Halloween feast. He asked her dorm mates about it, to which Lavender and Parvati said that she was crying all day in the first-floor girl's washroom. Harry deflated but was filled with rage the next moment when he heard Ron's comment.

"Let her be. She was already a nightmare, now she is also a coward."

Harry has had enough of Ron's attitude. He grabbed Ron by his collar and snarled at him, "I only tolerated your obnoxious behaviour because you were my first friend. Now, I am sure I don't want my friend to be a bratty bully just like my whale of a cousin", he then punched Ron on his face, "Don't talk to me until you have genuinely apologised and have been forgiven by Hermione". He then ran to the first floor to apologise to Hermione. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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