Chapter 21 Assaulted

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No one's POV

After receiving their intel and the location on the whereabouts of their enemies, the Elite Seven along with Gozuki all went to Gappi Marsh, the home of multiple strong Danger Beast. They stop at a nearby lakeside in order to go over their plan once again.

 They stop at a nearby lakeside in order to go over their plan once again

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Gozuki: We've identified the locations of two separate saltworks.

Akame: They probably have two so that if anything happens to one, they'll still have income from the other.

Gozuki: Not if we can help it. We're going to attack both at the same time and take them out. Yeah. We'll split into teams.

At the crossroads as to where it splits, leading to the saltworks, the Elite Seven had now been divided into two teams. Ryu, Akame, Kurome, and Green on one team with Natala, Gin, Gozuki, and Poney in the other.

Akame: Poney! You're not fully recovered, so don't overdo it.

Poney: (grin) I know. I promise I won't drag down my team!

Ryu: -_- Your confidence will be your undoing if you don't stay sharp.

Poney: Hey!

Poney frown when Ryu said that, but the latter just shrug. Though he said that, his faith in his team was absolute, especially since they had Gozuki going with them. Heading into their respective directions, they begin heading towards the saltworks they were assigned to take out.


With Gozuki's group, Poney and Gozuki went inside the warehouse, Poney opened the door to the saltwork they were assigned to take out. Peering her head in, she took around. There was no one inside, though the equipment had clearly been used recently.

 There was no one inside, though the equipment had clearly been used recently

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Poney: There's nobody here, Daddy.

Gozuki: Though evident it was a functioning saltworks not too long ago. They may have fled just before we got here.

Gozuki(mind): They're hiding themselves pretty well. These guys are tough...

Outside the warehouse, Gin and Natala were patrolling the perimeter. Gin rested her sword on her shoulder, a look of irritation was on her face as they kept walking. Since there isn't a single enemy or Danger Beast.

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