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Ruth was drunk. 

Unbelievably wasted in fact. 

When Beomgyu walked into Ruth's dorm after Haeri oh-so graciously handed him the responsibility of handling her, he saw her on the floor of the living room, in foetal position. Haeri had said she was drunk, but Beomgyu believed the girl should've specified. To be frank, she sounded like she had a lot going on when she called, and she was heading over to Kai's, so Beomgyu let her be after the sudden call. 

He walked all the way to Building A in his pyjamas. Talk about sudden.

The room smelt of alcohol and he grimaced, remembering when he had to look after his mother's drunken state. Sighing, he took off his shoes and put them to the side, hanging his jacket on the coat rack and walking over to her.

There were bottles on the table and empty snacks, and he carried them all to the kitchen, storing away the ones that weren't empty and throwing away the empty bottles and snacks away. He went back to still see Ruth passed out on the floor. Crouching down, he put his hand on her shoulder, and turned her slightly so she was lying on her back. 

Her curly hair was loose, fanning over her face and hiding her from his view. She was wearing a pastel blue hoodie and pyjama shorts. Beomgyu tried to not look at her thighs, no matter how alluring they were to him, no matter how soft it looked. 

"Ruth, wake up." His hand still on her shoulder, he shook her gently. She stirred from her sleep, her eyes slowly opening. Ruth looked around, before they finally landed on him. There was a sultry look in her eyes that rendered him speechless, and he gulped nervously, looking away as he felt his cheeks heating up. "Let's get you some water."

She nodded, trying to stand up, but she stumbled slightly. His hands held onto her waist, and he straightened her so she stood upright. "There you go." He whispered, and she turned to look at him. Ruth suddenly smiled at him, and then startled him by jumping onto him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You're so cute~" She pinched his cheeks, her legs around his torso. He held her hips so she wouldn't fall, and he felt his cheeks reddening even more at how close her face was to his. Although familiar with Ruth's drunk antics, he wasn't used to the sudden close proximity. He could see the flecks of honey brown in her eyes, the mole on her jaw, her dark skin glowing in the moonlight.

And while this was what he wanted, for Ruth to be so close to him, he couldn't enjoy it. Because his long-term crush was drunk, and his priority shouldn't be kissing her senseless, but trying to sober her up instead. Hell, he didn't even know if she liked him back. "Ruth get off." He said gently, trying to unwrap her legs, but she tightened them even more. Knowing she wasn't going to get off him any time soon, he walked over to the kitchen, keeping a secure hold on her. "I'm serious, you need to drink water."

The word 'water' caught her attention, and she immediately jumped off him. "I don't want water!" She whined, and he ran a hand through his hair in agitation. There was only a few months difference between the two, with Ruth being the younger of them both, and yet right now, she was acting like a toddler.

"You're drinking water." He grabbed her arm and took her into her kitchen. Filling a glass of water, he turned around to give it to her. "Here, drink this– "

She was gone.

"You have to be fucking joking." He set the glass of water on the table, and went off after her. 

He knew she was somewhere in the dorm; everyone had keys to each other's dorms, with the new addition of Haeri's dorm key, and he locked her front door shut so she wouldn't run off. He looked inside her bedroom, the bathroom, the living room.  "This girl is gonna give me a fucking migraine." He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. He opened the guest room she had, and saw a shape hiding under the blanket of the bed.

Approaching Ruth, he had to smile at how childish she was acting, in stark contrast to the stoic girl he fell in love with. Perfect blackmailing material, he thought, yanking away the blanket. She giggled at him, and hiccupped. "You found me."

"Yes, I did. Now come on," He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to her feet. "You need to drink the water."

She pouted. "I don't want to, though! It tastes nasty!" 

God give me strength.

"Keisuke Reina." He narrowed his eyes at her, and she squirmed away from him, crawling back onto the bed. "Go drink the water." She was lying down on the pillow, her hoodie riding up her body, and exposing a sliver of her toned back. Beomgyu might as well have killed himself then and there. It was as if the universe was teasing him with something he knew he can't have. With something he couldn't have.

"No." Her voice was muffled, but he caught it nonetheless and frowned.

"Why not?"

She turned to him, her face fallen. "You're angry at me."

"Why would I be angry at you?"

Ruth sat up, her legs crossed as she played with the strings of her hoodie. "You never call me Reina. It's always Rei or Ruth. You're angry at me. I'll go drink the water. But please don't be angry at me." Her eyes were glistening: was she really about to cry?

He cupped her cheek with his hand, turning her head so she could face him. "I'm not angry at you, love."

"Really?" Laughing, he shook his head. "Then..." Ruth fiddled with the hem of her hoodie, "will you stay here with me if I drink the water?" 

He nodded his head. "If you drink your water, I'll stay here." She clapped her hands, jumping off the bed and bounding out of the room and to the kitchen. He followed her, leaning against the doorframe as he watched her drink the glass of water he left on the table. 

"There you go!" She set the glass down, and sauntered over to him, wrapping her arms around his torso. She nuzzled her nose into his collarbone, and he inwardly cooed at how adoring the sight was. "Please don't be angry."

"There's my girl." He patted his hand on her hair. "Was drinking water really that hard Ruth?" He heard no response, the girl seemingly dozing off. "Let's get you to sleep."


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