Chapter Two.

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I wake up to sun beaming on to Peeta's face and I just can't help but smile to myself. Wait what? Suddenly, I feel butterflies in my stomach and I actually like the feeling. Peeta opens his eyes and there black. He's having a flashback. "Why am I with you? You're a mutt"
"No Peeta it's a flashback it's not real I am your friend, were friends remember?" I try to give him a hug but he just throws me to the ground with full force and raps his delicate hands around my throat. How can this happen I thought he was ok now? I thought he had just started to come back to me. "Peeta n-no" I struggle to tell him. Then as I see the black circles come to visit me again. His eyes soften. I know that the real Peeta Mellark is here... "Katniss".

As I slowly open my eyes Peeta comes into my vision, and I start to panic. He tries to pull me into a hug, but I back away. For few seconds I think I can see hurt in his eye's. This makes me feel only pure sorrow for the man. "Katniss I am so sorry" his eyes are so puffy like he has had no sleep for a long time. He tries to hug me and this time I let him, I hugged him back and I could feel him tense underneath me then relax almost immediately. And I smile at the fact he's ok with this now. And that he can now be close to me.

Days have been since the incident and Peeta hasn't visited me once. Greasy Sae visited me as usual and tried to make me eat but I only managed half a cheese bread role today before my stomach became full and I actually managed to keep it down. At the moment I am just sitting on the couch watching the Capitol news and I can't find anything amusing or entertaining except for the fact they still are talking about the rebellion. My thoughts are interrupted by Haymitch coming in and actually sober for once. He looks at me with complete sorrow and says "Hi katniss how are you?" I just give him a look that says 'how do you think I am?' And he just laughs at it. I smirk myself proudly of what I had done. His face becomes more serious as if he was going to tell me something extremely important. "katniss I am being serious why are doing this to yourself? You don't look like you. You have become extremely thin, You don't talk and you never leave the house this isn't want Prim would want" at the sound of her name something clicks inside of me. My first reaction was to kill him right there and then but I know u couldn't. He is like a father to me. I find the nearest thing I could find, which happened to be a knife, and pinned him against the wall. "How would you know what she would want you never knew her!" I screamed at him and stabbed the knife into the board next to his head. "Hope that isn't mahogany" his smirk made me want to slap it right off of his face and I screamed at him to get him out. He begins to make his way to the door when he says "I may not have known her well but I know that nobody would want you to do this, especially Peeta" I look at him with tears in my eyes and imagine Peeta right here, right now and looking at me with disapproval. "He loves you, you know you can tell in his eyes and how he cares about you" and with that he walks out the door "He does?" Is all that Is escaping my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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