When Freya forgets an anonymous letter in the library, she is beside herself. No one should ever have discovered it. Nobody should ever have read it. And even less should anyone have answered it. But Freya and the stranger start writing to each othe...
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“Do you two idiots have any idea what you just did?” Hank Nott, Theodore's dad, blurts out in that deep tone that’s ten times more intimidating than if he were yelling at us.
I should probably be shaking all over and thinking about <my childish and careless behavior> (Hank's words). Or better yet, I should come up with an excuse to justify my actions. But as I receive the lecture of my life from the man who is as close to me as a second father, I can only think of one thing: Damn, that's one hell of a vein on his forehead. Why would I want to see it burst so much? Please, vein, explode.
Part of me was hoping that Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt would just take us to the station for show. After all, I've watched Theo pull similar pranks for years without even getting a warning. My hopes went up in smoke, however, when they packed our criminal asses into an interview room and ordered us to sit down. Then the minister and Theo's dad took turns yelling at us for three hours straight.
"Matt?", urges Hank.
I pull myself together. "Hm?"
"Are you waiting for the grass to grow? If not, answer the damn question."
Note to self: You should listen better when people talk to you.
Theo interrupts me: "No, ofcourse we didn't expect them to evacuate the school, Dad. It was just a little stink bomb..."
I make eye contact with my best friend and he grins.
Thanks for the rescue, idiot.
"That one little stink bomb", Hank drew quotation marks in the air, "smelled so bad, that your poor teacher thought it was a gas leak. You knew exactly what you were doing, Theodore. Do you not understand that? You're in deep shit. And I don't know if I can get you out of this this time..."
Mr.Nott takes a deep breath to get himself under control. "How does a three week suspension sound, huh? How about we cancel quidditch for the rest of the school year? And as for prom, I hope you weren't planning on going. Because that's not going to fucking happen."
Helpless, Theo closes his mouth and collapses into his chair. To be fair, even tho it did smell like something had died in the classroom, I have no idea how our substitute teacher was able to confuse <warm garbage and farts> with <gas>.
I was sat at the back of the class and set off the stink bomb as she briefly left the room. As soon as the smell spread, the good teacher panicked and informed the school office via owl about a <disgusting, poisonous smell.>
Soon after the fire alarm went off and we were led out of the building at record speed.
I still can't believe how quickly we got caught.
All thanks to the so-called video evidence.
That was the first thing they said to us when they took Theo and I out of the crowd on the lawn. The fact that they were able to capture us via video caught us off guard. Then we were dragged into the building to wait for the cops.