17. Ajax

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"Have you and AJ thought about kids yet?" Beau asked as he bounced baby Skye who began to whine in her sleep. I nodded my head making him raise a brow, "and when do I expect to have a niece or nephew then?"

Not for a while I signed making him pout, I smiled at that as he reminded me of when we were little and how despite our differences he always did what I did. Whether it be sitting by the little pond Papa had dug out and read a book or tossed some bread for the fish to eat. And when I'd get mad at him for following me around when all I wanted to do was be alone, he'd pout like a baby until I'd give in and let do as he pleased. We want to explore our relationship for now before we think about adding little ones to the family, so until then, AJ and I will remain childless.

"But I want our pups to grow up together," he whined like a child who didn't get what he wanted.

I chuckled at his antics, knowing that Beau had always been a family man at heart. I couldn't help but laugh at his persistence. Well, you'll just have to wait a little longer, Beau. Besides, Skye is keeping you plenty busy for now, I said, nodding towards the baby in his arms. He sighed but nodded in agreement.He nodded, although still looking a bit disappointed.

"Well, in the meantime, I'll just have to spoil this little one and her brothers," he said, giving Skye a gentle pat on the back. As he continued to rock her to sleep, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the close bond I shared with my brother.

As Skye drifted off into a peaceful slumber, I couldn't help but think about the future and the possibility of starting a family with AJ. It was a decision that we both wanted to make together, and for now, we were content with just being Uncles to Beau's children.


Sitting and watching as AJ played with the boys and my little siblings made me think back to nine and Beau's earlier talk about me and AJ having kids of our own.

I couldn't help but smile as I imagined a future with AJ, filled with children and laughter. The thought of starting a family with him was both exciting and frightening. I wanted it more than anything, but the idea of bringing new life into the world was a daunting prospect.

As I watched AJ toss a football with the boys, I realized just how ready he was to be a father. His patience, his kindness, and his ability to make even the most mundane moments fun were all qualities that would make him an incredible dad. And the way he interacted with my little siblings only confirmed my belief that he was truly meant to be a father.

I couldn't deny the fact that I wanted to start a family with him. I wanted to see him as a father, to watch him guide and nurture our children. The thought of our future children running around, playing with their dad, filled my heart with warmth and joy.

I knew there would be challenges, of course. Raising children was no easy task, and the responsibility was immense. But I also knew that with AJ by my side, we could face anything together.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched AJ roughhousing with the boys, tossing them in the air and pretending to be a monster as they squealed with delight. He was so good with the kids, and I knew he would make an incredible father one day.

As I glanced over at my little siblings and Beau's sons, I felt a pang of nostalgia for my own childhood. I remembered all the games and adventures Beau and I used to have when we were young, and how much fun we had growing up together. We had always been so close, and I hoped that AJ and I could create the same kind of loving and supportive environment for our own children one day.

Just then, AJ looked over at me and caught my eye. He grinned and waved, motioning for me to come join in the fun. I couldn't resist his infectious energy, so I got up and joined the fray, tickling my little siblings and laughing along with them.

As I sat there lost in thought, AJ came over and sat next to me. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, his eyes filled with curiosity.

I smiled and leaned against him, enjoying the warmth of his presence. "I was just thinking about us and the possibility of having kids one day," I admitted.

AJ wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. "I've thought about it too," he confessed. "I think we'd make great parents."

The thought of starting a family with AJ filled me with a sense of joy and excitement. It was a future I never thought I would want, but now it seemed like the perfect next step for us.

As the sun began to set, we stayed outside and talked about all the things we wanted to do as parents. We laughed and dreamed together, picturing our future children and the adventures we would have as a family.

A little while later AJ had gone back to playing with the kids and I smiled as I looked over at AJ, who was now helping the boys build a sandcastle, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought. I knew he would be an amazing father, and the idea of starting a family with him filled me with excitement and joy.

As the day went on, I found myself daydreaming about our future together, and the thought of having kids with AJ no longer seemed overwhelming, but instead, it filled me with a sense of anticipation and happiness.

As the sun started to set, I finally worked up the courage to bring up the topic with AJ. To my delight, he shared my excitement and we spent the rest of the evening discussing our hopes and dreams for the future.

As we walked back to our house, hand in hand, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the beautiful day we had spent with our family, and excited for the new chapter that lay ahead for us. AJ squeezed my hand and whispered, "I can't wait to start a family with you." And in that moment, I knew that our future together was going to be filled with love, laughter, and the pitter-patter of little feet.

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