4. AJ

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I knew that the moment the six of us left our pack a little over 3 months ago, that we would be considered rogues but we also knew that we wouldn't be like those bloodthirsty bastards that only enjoy causing mayhem to every pack they cross paths with. I knew there are some rogues that run from conflict and we would be like them. Only fight if they start a fight.

I never thought that I'd be on the run. It hurt like hell to have left my mother and sister behind but I knew that it would have only hurt them more if my father killed me. I was the second eldest of three children, my sister was killed along with her mate when she came home from overseas with a woman. My father was and will always be a homophobic prick that I can't wait to destroy when I decide to return to the pack.

"What are we going-" Dustin began to ask only to close his mouth when I held my hand up. I lifted my nose and I could feel Stark pacing in my head a growl rumbled in my throat before I took off in the direction of the most exquisite scent I've ever smelt. I didn't wait for the others to follow as I ran further into the woods, shifting into my wolf form to gain more speed.

>What the hell, AJ?< Jasmine's voice echoed in my head as they chased after me

>What the hell is going on?< Axel asked but I didn't answer, I needed to find that scent and no one not even my annoying friends would stop me from getting to my target. I could hear them asking each other questions but none of them knew how to answer so they followed behind me confused. I stopped a few feet away from what looked like a clearing and my friends were not far behind.

"Care to explain why you ran as if Hades hound dogs were on your tail?" Jensen asked as he stood beside me with the other four standing behind in their wolf forms. I myself didn't even know why I ran in this direction but something told me that I had to be here.

"You decided to break the bond between the both of you instead of accepting Ajax so now you have to deal with the consequences Ashton," a female's voice said and I looked towards the center of the clearing to see five humans in the clearing and furrowed my brows when none of them held the scent I've smelt earlier. Soon two of the five walked away leaving the other three behind. Two of whom were standing while the other was on the ground on his hands and knees. I watched at the tallest of the two walks away from whom I'm guessing is his mate and walk across the small space and crouching in front of the male on the ground. I knew he was a shifter with the way his scent changed from various other animals but his most prominent scent was a dragon.

"Now that you and Ajax aren't mates anymore I won't hesitate to break every bone in your body if you get near him because I don't have to be careful in hurting him if I hurt you. And believe me, I'm not the only one that wants to make you regret hurting Ajax" I heard the shifter say and before anything else could be said, I watched as the other male,the shifter's mate, head snapped in our direction and silently cursed when the sound of a stick snapping filled the air. The shifter stood and walked towards his mate and stood in front of him in a protective stance. I knew they could smell our scent and not because the shifter growled but because rogues and regular wolves had different scents from eachother. I knew our scents had changed ever since we left the pack so it didn't surprise me.

I knew the shorter male could see my eyes. I knew they were gold and not red as lost rogues had. I knew he could see the others behind me in the darkness. I had watched as his eyes went unfocused meaning he was communicating with his pack. I could see his kind of working as to why our eyes were not red. I knew most wolves became rogues when they were either born one or they lost their mates but four of my friends were mated which only left Dillon and me who were still looking for our mates.

>we would have gone unnoticed if you didn't move< Jasmine hissed at Dillon who only rolled his eyes at her words

>I'm going to speak with them< I said as I shifted to my human form ignoring their objections and walked out of the woods but stayed close to the woods while the shifter and his mate did the same. I also watched as the wolf that had been on the ground stand and walks towards the shorter male.

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