26. AJ

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"Are you ready to go?" Ajax asked as he walked into our room with Athena beautifully dressed in a pink and blue dress with a white bow. She looked absolutely stunning. Ajax himself wore a white button-up shirt with a pair of jeans that he paired with black shoes.

"Yeah," I nodded and smiled at him. We were heading to Beau and Derek's house today since it was little Lucas' birthday. He was turning four. It was crazy because it feels like it was just yesterday that Beau and Derek were telling us they were expecting a baby, and yet, four years have passed since that day. They had invited us to the party when we had gone over last week.

And not only that, but it turned out that Ashton had found his second chance mate in a guy named Camden. It was a pleasant surprise for all of us. Ashton had been the only one among the pack that had yet to find his second mate, so it was a joyous occasion for everyone. Along with Camden, Braxton had arrived at the pack house. Braxton turned out to be the mate of Beau and Derek's eldest son, Justin, who was just 14 years old. It was truly a whirlwind of surprises and emotions, but that's how life was.

We arrived at Beau and Derek's house, which was beautifully decorated with balloons and streamers. The yard was filled with children running around, their laughter filling the air. The sound of joyful chatter and the aroma of delicious food made the atmosphere truly delightful.

As we greeted our loved ones, the happiness on their faces was contagious. Hugs and warm wishes were exchanged, and we all gathered around to sing happy birthday to little Lucas. His face lit up with a massive smile as everyone sang along, making him feel like the center of attention. It was a heartwarming sight to behold.

The day went on with games, laughter, and endless activities for the kids. Athena was having a blast playing with Lucas and the other children, her infectious laughter echoing in the vicinity. Seeing her so happy brought immense joy to my heart. Meanwhile, the adults caught up on life, sharing stories and relishing the precious time spent together.

Evening approached, and it was time for the cake cutting ceremony. Lucas' eyes widened with excitement as he saw his birthday cake adorned with his favorite superhero characters. The room was filled with claps and cheers as he blew out the candles, making a silent wish. We all indulged in the delicious cake, savoring every bite.

As the night sky darkened, a bonfire was lit, casting a warm glow over the gathering. The crackling sound of the fire combined with the soft melodies played by a musician in the background created a soothing ambiance. It was the perfect moment to reflect and appreciate the beauty of life.

Underneath the starry sky, Ajax took my hand and led me to a quiet spot away from the crowd. We stood there, basking in the tranquility of the night. Ajax looked deep into my eyes and said, "I can't believe how far we've come. We've witnessed love, laughter, and surprises all within this pack. Life may have thrown unexpected twists at us, but together, we've conquered it all."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I leaned in to kiss him. The world around us seemed to fade away as we embraced each other, knowing that the bond we shared was unbreakable. In that moment, time stood still, and we realized that love and family were the true essence of life.

As the night came to an end, we bid our goodbyes, promising to keep in touch and create more memories together. The drive back home was filled with contentment and gratitude. We had experienced a day filled with love, laughter, and new beginnings.

Life had once again shown us its unpredictable nature, but we had learned to embrace every moment, cherishing the surprises it brought. We were ready for whatever lay ahead, knowing that as long as we had each other and our loved ones, we could overcome any obstacle.

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