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it's September but it's raining, I guess that's a meaning for summer ending, it usually rains in September which just ruins a lot of my plans though it's not like I have a lot anyway I just like to have places to sit at when I'm not at home.

walking to school isn't much effort but mentally it is, having to get up early in the morning and sacrifice half of my day learning about stuff that I won't ever use and having to put up with the people around me. even worse when the weather is like how it is now, all wet and windy but also slightly warm. I hate it and it makes me feel icky.

though hearing the rain hit the windows whilst inside school and bored out of your mind is the most calming thing ever because then it takes the attention away from having to hear the loud girls almost slobbering about some guy that thinks he's jack shit when in reality he's not.
most guys like that aren't what they think they are.

I don't get how some people can be attracted to those who like to think they're the top of everything and flex on something that they think is a 'skill' but in reality, it's just common sense to have. it's humiliating for them.

Im not a loner, I have people I talk to here and there and people I consider to be friends, I occasionally hang out with them too but none that I could consider to be my best friend, maybe to them I'm considered a best friend but to me, I can't see myself being one. they have other people and are able to talk and talk while I'm inconsistent and only ever consistent when I need something but then go back under the ground like nothing happened.

but that doesn't mean I won't do anything for them, if they really needed me then I'd be with them within a second. but they hardly ever do since I'm not in a duo, but rather in a trio and we all know how that works. though I guess I put that on myself so I can't blame anyone other than myself.

but I still have my good moments where I have so much to say and I say them but once I do I either feel like I shouldn't have or I completely lose my social battery. no in-between.

I can't stop thinking about Walhalla's number 3, kazutora hanemiya. that whole encounter still gives me mixed feelings as if I should worry but at the same time I feel like nothing bad would happen and I'm just being over dramatic. it's been a week and he hasn't said anything but that doesn't mean there's no tomorrow to do that.

he could not say anything for another week but that doesn't mean that there won't be a third. scary.
I'll have to figure something out soon cause I can't just go on with my day like nothing new happened.

while walking through the hallways to meet up with a friend my thoughts were interrupted by my balance stumbling a little and a pressure past my shoulder, I didn't fall but if I hadn't balanced myself out I probably would have.

I turned my head back to see who the prick was and to no surprise, it's of course the guy who tries too hard to make a name for himself, but that name that he wants isn't anything good he just wants to be 'feard'

haku. Ohh the rage that makes me feel whenever I see his face, it's like adrenaline flowing up inside of me, if I were on autopilot I would have smacked him across the face like his mother should have done a long time ago and a lot more. but of course, I don't.

I'm not the only one he goes for, he just goes for anyone that's shorter than him and tries to bare his teeth but instead, it just makes him look embarrassing trying to be seen all 'tough' at some point last week he poured a fizzy drink over some boys' head who was just minding his own business, and then somewhere this week he would make girls uncomfortable by playing with their hair out of nowhere. he makes me sick.

though there are days where he isn't in school for a long while, days to no end and on those days are the days where everyone feels the most calm, for the majority at least. I can't exactly say that for everyone since there are girls that dream about being all over him for some reason which doesn't make sense at all to me.


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