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Sunlight seeped through the half-open blinds. It was bright for your eyes, but it got you up. You slept decently last night, of course it was very different being in someone else's home. You made your way to the bathroom to wash your face, when you heard a 'Ping' coming from your laptop. You went to check what it was, and it was an approval for your application. They'd accepted you just this morning, and you were more hyped than ever.

"I got the job!" You squealed. You checked the time and realized it was only 8 O'Clock, so you calmed yourself down and sent back an email that you were ready to work at a moment's notice. You went back to your usual morning routine and brought the laptop to the kitchen island. You sat there scrolling through their mandatory regulations while taking sips of your coffee. There was rustling coming from the other room and it almost made you jump out of your seat when you saw Jake walk into the room.

"Morning," He noticed your spooked face. "Did I scare you?" He said amusingly as he rubbed his eyes. His silhouette against the morning light was ethereal. You just shook your head.

"No, you're fine. I'm surprised you're up this early though." You commented. He wasn't much of a morning person last time you remembered.

"I'm not like Johnnie who sleeps in until noon," He said as he grabbed a mug of coffee. "What's got you up?" He asked, looking at the laptop in front of you.

"I got my job application accepted, they're saying I can shadow an employee today and work for real tomorrow." You explained while setting your own cup aside.

He nodded. "We stan an independent woman." He said as he added sugar to his drink. You cringed at the word, you've only ever heard teenage girls say that.

You decided to close your screen and got off the chair. When you went around the counter, you saw his pants and realized the two of you were wearing the matching pajamas from your last movie night date. He saw it too and both your faces were tinted pink.

"This was so not planned." He said while lightly itching his tattoo.

"No, it sure wasn't." You said as you pulled your loose shirt over your pants. They were the Charlie Brown Christmas set from Ross. As coincidental it was, they were the most convenient pair of pants you had, so you wore it everyday. Great, now it looks like I'm lovesick. You thought to yourself.

Jake didn't pay any mind to it though, he just went about his business, leaning over the island counter and opening TikTok. He began to scroll, giggling at random videos. You looked up. It didn't seem like he was held over your guy's past relationship. You smiled a bit and grabbed your things. It was a new day and you had other things to get done. Before walking back into your room, you heard obnoxiously loud retching coming from the hallway bathroom. It sounded like someone's dad waltzed in and did his normal routine.

"Uhh, Jake?" You looked over to him. He turned from his phone and listened to the vomit-like sounds.

"That's just Johnnie, don't mind it. I think he chokes on his toothbrush the moment it hits his tongue." He responded. Taking a few looks back at the door with a light under it, you just nodded. You set the laptop onto the vanity and began to look for what to wear. Your U/O would consist of dark shorts with a trendy tank top and a hoodie from your highschool years, but since today you would be showing up to work, you chose a basic outfit that'd been lying in your old closet. It was a pink-beige shirt and some blue jeans. It wasn't your style, but it'd do the job. You gathered your on-the-go-necessities, lip gloss, cash, your phone and stuffed it into your purse. The high top Converse sneakers that were against the door took at least 4 minutes to get on, but once you finally did you made your way to the front door.

"I'm heading out!" You shouted to anyone who had heard you. Jake responded with a muffled 'Ok!' while eating, and you heard Johnnie come out of the bathroom. You were on time for the most part, and since the walk was short you knew you wouldn't be late. Looking around, it made you remember that the last time you were in LA, and it was when you were hanging out with Jake at his old house.

It was late at night, and you both ordered pizza. It was a routine for your 22 and 23 year old selves. At the time there was nothing stopping you two, you both were the perfect couple. You had no idea that'd be the last night you two hung out as one. It could've been the fact that the two of you had been more distant that month, or that the winter was too damn cold. It could've been anything really, but you both mutually decided that it'd be the best to split. Two years of friendship, and two years of "love" down the drain because it also wasn't in your best interests to hold each other back. Jake was involved with his online career, and you weren't where you wanted to be in life. It troubled you at night when you thought about it, but even though the breakup felt sudden, it was also like it was set in place months ago. Despite all this, Jake wanted to remain friends, and that was totally okay with you. Two years go by and you don't regret your actions, he seems so much happier.

Your reminiscing was interrupted when you reach the Cafe. It's not too busy, only two or three customers inside. The bell jingles when you walk inside, and the cashier at the front notices you. "Welcome!" She cheerily greets you. She has blonde curly hair with light brown eyes. She was the prettiest girl you'd seen in a normal setting. You walked up to her.

"Hey, uh, I had my application accepted and I was told that I was getting training today-my name is Y/N." You said in a string of words. Your social anxiety was very prevalent. She nodded with a smile.

"Of course, I'm Josephine! But please, just call me Josie." She said as she held onto her name tag. "My manager told me there'd be a new intern, I'll be the one showing you the ropes today." She beamed.

Wow, she's.. something, You thought with a hint of insecurity. "'Kay, thanks." You said as you smiled back. She hummed an 'Mhm!' before escorting you behind the counter.

"So this over here is the steamer," She said as she pointed to a metal rod on the machine. "And over here is the mini fridge, we have whole milk, oat.." She continued to explain where everything was located. You kept nodding as she spoke. Then she began talking about the recipes.

"Have you tried making a latte before, like at home?" She asked quizzically. You nodded. "Yeah, I made one just this morning actually, me and my bo-" You paused, wondering why you said that on instinct.

"B..Bo- as in Boyfriend?" She implored with bright eyes. She seemed like a Pre-teen girl with the way she reacted. You shook your head quickly. "No, sorry, I tend to slip up on my words. Anyway, I have made one before." You said curtly. She nodded and continued to explain the order of how you prepare 20 of their hot drinks. By the end of her explanation your head was spinning. How many options of coffee are needed exactly? Your brain processed. Then she talked again.

"Any questions, new girl?" She looked at you, her light brown eyes giving a piercing gaze.

"No, I think I've gotten most of the information." You smiled again, for what seemed like the 30th time around her.

"Great! So here's your apron, the busiest hour is gonna start soon so it's best you start helping. Hmm.. i think Jamie's clocking in soon, you could meet her too." She said as she handed you a green barista apron.

You weren't exactly expecting to make drinks right away, but she seemed adamant you were ready. You put the piece of cloth over your head and tied the string around your waist. This is going to be a busy day.

JAKE X Y/N X JOHNNIE | A Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now