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After joining Jake and Johnnie in their videos so frequently, the media began to have their many opinions. For the most part they all thought you were pretty and funny, they liked your humble persona that wasn't biased to either of their idols. Of course there's always the downsides. You were just lying on your bed scrolling on your phone, viewing your newfound fame, when videos began to speculate about your relationships. Many took to giving storytimes of your appearances on their TikTok videos, most only mentioning that it seemed as if you were trying to date either of them. Of course people in those comments disproved it, saying you had just been invited in as a friend. You wouldn't disagree, but you only wanted to believe there was some chemistry there.

"Uuughh," You rolled onto your back. You held the phone above you and continued swiping through. "What would they think if they knew I'd moved in with them.." You'd muttered to yourself. Just then you heard a knock on your door, you returned it with a slightly louder 'Who is it'.

"It's me," You heard Jake's voice on the other side. You allowed him in and he scratched his tatted torso under his tank top. He wore the Cookie Monster pajama pants he'd bought with you guys two weeks ago. "Watcha up to~" He sing-songed while flopping onto your bed. You ascended an inch off the mattress when he did.

"Just on Tiktok, why?" You asked at his sudden occurrence. He wouldn't usually pop in like this, not unless you were all planning to go out. Otherwise he was busy working on videos and his socials.

"I dunno, I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me to dye my hair," He resolved your question.

"Dye it? What color?" You said as you turned your body to face him. He was lying on his back while you were now on your side, you'd set your phone down to give him your full attention.

"I'm thinking red, I'm tired of having this plain ass color," He said while picking at his hair strands. Red? That was a bold color switch, in fact the boldest of them all. Your eyes widened a bit at his decision.

"Seriously? That'd be really cool but it's gonna stain your hair and your shower," You informed him. He only nodded at the thought. I just hope he won't cut his hair. You caught yourself having a preferred opinion to his appearance, to which you face palmed.

"What, is it that bad?" He looked up at you. You immediately shook your head.

"No, sorry, I was just thinking of something stupid. I think it'll be fire. I'll come with, just give me some time to get ready." You smiled as you cleared up his confusion. He smiled back, relieved that you approved of it and got up.

"Kay let me know when we'll leave, I've got some work to finish up real quick anyway," He said softly and closed your door behind him. You exhaled when he did, you almost thought you lost his favor with your mental mistake. Eventually after sending a few texts back to Tara (who heard about his appearance alteration just now), you got up to shower. The outfit you chose was a bit skimpier than usual, since your other clothes were still drying. When you'd checked and saw that they were still damp you groaned frustratedly and set the dryer for an hour again. You chose to wear a black corset top with a mini dark plaid skirt that'd been lying in the bottom of the organizers. Still, it didn't top the normal wear of the partying city so you went out with it just fine. Jake saw you from the front door and asked if you were ready, to which you answered 'Yes' to and you were out the door.

"I like the fit," He said, gesturing to the fact you were both wearing similarly styled hip chains and dark colors. "It suits you too." He quietly complimented. You looked up at his tinged face.

"Thank you, I like yours as well," You giggled at his embarrassment. When you reached the hairdresser studio, the lady at the front checked Jake's reservation and instantly let you two in. The place itself was pretty busy, with most chairs being full. It was one of the trendy salon chains in L.A. that had black brick walls and industrial light fixtures, the chairs were all a clean black leather with marble floorings under them. You observed the interior designs as Jake was placed in a chair towards the middle. Fortunately there were benches for their accompanying guests to sit on towards the back. You sat only a chair away from him as you watched the lady consult him on his hairdo. He explained and she went past you to the storage room to gather the dyes. Jake gestured to you to go beside him.

"Hm? What's up?" You asked as he pulled out his phone from under the silk cape.

"Let's shoot a quick before-video, so we can send it to our friends," He said, swiping to the camera app. You agreed and posed in the video behind him as he turned his head for a 180 view. He gave you his appreciation as the hairstylist came back with a black tray and you went back to the seat. The appointment itself lasted nearly four hours, it was quicker than you expected but not too much of a surprise since Jake's hair was on the darker side to begin with. As she did the finishing touches with light trims, a few girls a little younger than you began to walk up to him asking for pictures. He gladly accepted and they took a few shots at his seat. You sat still on the bench as they did this, but he asked for you again once they were done. They'd been giggling in excitement as they went back to the seat their friend was stationed in just a few minutes ago. You went up and leaned to his level.

"We gotta take pics now before they absolutely blow the whole operation up," He chuckled as you took his phone from him. You let out a few laughs before getting some cute pictures. You felt the urge to secretly send them to yourself, but asked all chill when you were done. Of course he said you could, and inside you were giddy that you had that opportunity the other girls didn't have. While you were still holding his phone, they casted glances at you, envious ones. They were only two seats away but could tell you were of more meaning to Jake than any fans were. You handed him back his phone and you two were chatting as the lady unclipped his protective apron. After taking a few more videos together and laughing, the girls posted close by were the opposite of how they were acting before.

You two exited the salon as you exchanged very impulsive ideas. "I think we should get some new tattoos," Jake mentioned. You thought up what you'd potentially want permanently etched on your body.

"What about matching tramp stamps," You snickered at your genius thought. You'd all been discussing it in Mexico during your cruise vacation, but Tara already had one so you didn't want to leave her out at the time. Now it was different, it was just you two heading to a parlor together as really close friends.

"Hell yeah, that's a sick idea," Jake agreed. You were slightly taken aback, not expecting him to actually want a disparaging women's tattoo. But then you reminded yourself, it was Jake Webber. He'd be down for literally anything.

"Well I'll get to searching, you find us a tattoo parlor," You said, already taking out your phone for an inspiration picture. You felt safe walking the streets without keen awareness when you were with him. He kept you on the inner side of the sidewalk, navigating you both to the nearest one. And for the record, Jake had tried at least every shop in L.A., so he knew the ones to go and the ones not to. Shortly after you reached an LED lit shop.

JAKE X Y/N X JOHNNIE | A Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now