Finder's Fee

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Three of the five Pogues wait on the docks while John B and JJ walk into the rescue tents set up by the Coast Guard to report the wreck. They watch as the two boys attempt to talk to an officer to inform them about the sunken boat, but are unsuccessful at giving their valuable information. The Coast Guard have no idea that the two teenagers actually have something important to tell them and are not just wasting their time. Giving up, the two boys return to their friends on the dock.

"Now what?" Pope questions.

"I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat." John B holds up the motel key.

"We don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone." Pope protest.

"I'm in." Kie chimes in as John B tosses the key to JJ and starts to walk away with him and Harli. "Come on." Kie encourages Pope. "We'll be lookout."

"Finder's fee. Just sayin'." John B entices Pope. "And, hey, at least you'll only be an accomplice."

"Man." Pope sighs as he turns to follow his friends.

"Come on, bubba." Harli yells over her shoulder.

 The five teenagers examine the rundown motel as they approach it on the water. Agatha definitely did her damage, but the place looked like it was a dump before she rolled through and destroyed her even more.

JJ whistles at the sight of what was in front of him. "I thought the chateau looked bad."

"This place is a shit show."

"Motel or meth lab?" Kie questions.

"You be the judge." Pope pipes up.

"Doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-White stays." Harli observes.

"No. Looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed."

"All right. Here we go." JJ stands on the bow of the boat ready to jump off. "This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue coming in for landing." The boat slowly hits the shore and JJ jumps off. "Whoo!"

"We good?" John B questions JJ as he ties off the boat.

"Yeah, we good."

"All right. Here goes nothin'." John B jumps off the boat.

"Hey." Pope calls after him, causing him to turn around.

"Don't let him do anything stupid." Pope points to the blonde standing next to John B, one foot resting on the boat and leaned over on it.

"Oh, he will."

"I'm not making any promises."

"I'll keep them in line." Harli encourages.

"Uh, you're not coming." JJ instructs her.

"Watch me." Harli challenges as she jumps out of the boat and takes off walking towards the motel. JJ and John B exchange looks with one another and JJ rolls his eyes as he moves to follow after her.

"Uh, be careful." Kie hands John B the motel key, her hand lingering on John B's a little longer than necessary, which catches JJ's attention. "I mean it."

"Yeah," John B chuckles before turning to leave and follow the brunette girl that was already a ways ahead of them.

"Just be so careful, John." JJ mimics Kie as his arm is draped over John B after they're a good distance away from the boat, rubbing his hand across John B's face before being knocked away.

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