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I woke and took a shower. I put on gray jeans with a light pink T-shirt and high tops. I grabbed a jacket with books and left. I turned the car on and put on 93.3 and drove to Abby's house. I beeped so she could know I was here.

      I turned off the music. She got in and we were going to school. I was about to crash I yelled "MOVE IT CAN'T YOU SEE I'M DRIVING HERE THEIR IS A CROSS WALK YOU KNOW MABEY USE THAT!" I just did that to an adult. "Wow Mal I can't believe you did that to am adult.

      I mean he deserved it." We arrived and I got my books and walked to my locker. I went to the Cafe in the school and got myself a drink. I got a frappe I walked to my locker. Someone ran into me and that guy made me drop my frappe.
I said "Are you new here?"

The man said "Yeah I'm sorry."

I said "Here is a tip watch were your going!"

"Wow Isabella I didn't know you could be so tough." God I just yelled at the guy who saved my life. I hugged him and said "I'm so sorry."
"It's fine it's fine." I left. I put my drink in the trash can.

     I went to my class. Mrs. Bloom said "All right students pick a partner to start our science project. Once you have a partner take a paper from my desk." See their was Izick, Miller, Paula, Kevin, and Andy. I wanted Andy to be my partner because I had a crush on him since freshman year.

     Izick asked me to be his partner when I was going to say no I saw Andy with a partner so I agreed to be partners with Izick. "Ok so we have to build a volcano that shoot out lava."

"Cool so when do we start?"

"After school in my place?"

"Sorry I have work how about tomorrow in my place?"

"Can you drive me to your house then?"

"Wait you don't have a car?"


"Kay I'll pick you up." The bell rang to go to 2nd block. As soon I saw the clock the bell was going to ring in 3...2...1... I put my books in my locker and Andy walked by and was waking towards me. Andy said "Hey Mal what's up?" OMG Andy was talking to me okay I have to stay calm.
     I said "Nothing what's up with.." I fell down. Great Andy just saw me fall can anything be worse. "Sorry Mal!" One jock said. When Andy turned to see who it was. I left.

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