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I was researching for volcano before Andy came. Andy sat down next to me his brown eyes, his black laced hair, and his smile that can light up a whole room.
"Hey Mal why so lonely?"

"It's okay you don't have to sit with me I've been lonely since elementary school." I was lonely but I got use to it.

"But if I don't sit with you I'm missing an opportunity." he smiled.

"Wait your missing an opportunity because of me?" He leaned in and kissed me. I wanted to stop but it felt so awesome. I haven't been kissed like that since kindergarten when I had my first boyfriend. He pulled back.

     He smiled and said "If I hadn't sat with you I wouldn't have done that Mal. I like you a lot Mal." My cheeks were warming up. I smiled and whispered in his ear I like you too. We walked to class together.

     I want to feel his lips on mine. "Mal Mal? Why aren't you putting your safety gear on?" The teacher kept bugging me. I put it on.

     "Andy sit down next to Mal and show her how's it done." Andy walked up and sat next to me and started helping me out. The school day was over and me and Izick were working on the project. We started building the volcano. We touched hands a few times.

     I got to know him really well. Izick said "Umm Mal I need to tell you something." I looked at him. "What's up?" I asked.

     We were in my room so no one could hear us. "I... The first day I met you I umm... I started to... Umm feel these..." Izick stutterd. I couldn't understand what he was saying. "Oh just shut up and kiss me!" I yelled. I can't believe I did that.

     We were on my bed making out. He took off his shirt. He looked really cute with no shirt. I stopped. I said "Izick I think I'm with Andy. If not we could do this again." I winked. I texted Andy.
Hey Andy are we like together or not

I don't know you want to?

Idk you tell me your the one who kissed me.

Fine... Umm were umm not.

OK so that kiss means nothing to you?!

Umm well...

Goodbye Andy.

-contact deleted-
"We're not together anymore." He smiled and kissed my lips.

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