Uh oh

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I heard my sister calling me. I stopped with my cupcake and went to see what she wants. She said "Isabella why did you make me this mad cupcake?" I shrugged. I left to make my cupcake.

     A customer walked in I thought great I have to be nice to a weirdo. The guy looked so strange when he had his hood on. I said "Hey what can I get for you?" He took off his hood and wow.

He said "May I get the special cupcake."

"That would be $4.30" He took out his money.

"Can I get your name?" We had to take the people's name so we can call them when it's ready.

     He said "The name is Izick and yours?" I was like umm I'm not buying anything. "My name is "Isabella."

"Cute name." He winked at me and left he took a seat. I started making the cupcake. I said "Izick your cupcake is ready." He smiled at me and left.

     I spotted a phone I thought isn't that Izick's? I went home about a few hours later. I drove home I put gas in my truck. Out of nowhere this guy comes and covers my mouth and licked my cheek. I started kicking to freedom and he started grabbing me and touching me I felt a tear escaping my eye.

     I saw another guy coming and punched him. I didn't know what was going on. I just wanted to go home. When he talked it sounded like I've heard that. He said "Are you okay Isabella?" I nodded. "I'm glad you're okay." I hugged him. I can't believe that happened. I gave Izick's phone back. I grab my keys and left. I arrived home from work and from that creep and went to sleep

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