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I woke up and I saw that Izick was here sleeping in my bed. I took a shower and changed. I got on the bed and kissed him. He woke up and said "That's a way to wake someone up." I giggled We made out again. I went to school I saw Andy their.

    Andy said "Look Babe I love you, I was stupid to say were not together." I walked to my locker ignoring him. "Isabella!" I turned around like I was going to be punished. He started kissing me.

     I wanted to stop but it was Andy. He started touching my back and going down. I stopped him before he could touch me more. "You forgive me."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did because you would've stopped when I kissed you." I rolled my eyes. "HERE THAT EVERYONE MAL IS MINE BACK OFF!" My checks turned red from embarrassment. He grabbed me and carried me to his car and we started kissing.

     I'm glad Izick wasn't here because he went home for a headache. He grabbed me and he put me on his lap and peck my neck. What was I going to do now I either have to break up with Andy or Izick. Andy is cute, charming, understanding, and a jock. Izick is cute, helpful, saver, and cool.

     I think I'll break up with Izick even though he looks awesome without his shirt.
Izick Hey look I think it's not working out

Yeah cause of Andy you guys made out in school

How did you know

Mal even though I'm not in school doesn't mean I don't have friends


Yeah you cheated on me


We're over

What about our project

Make your own I'll make my own
     "Me and Izick are over." I saw him smiling. He started kissing me. The bell rang we had to go to class. I decided to skip school today. Andy said "Mal where you going?"

     I didn't even want to talk to him. I went to Izick's house. I climbed hot tree which leads to his room. I tapped on the window. He opened it and said "What are you doing here Mal aren't you supposed to be making out with Andy or something?" I held my head down. I hugged him and I started crying. "Izick I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I should've." I stopped. I sat on his bed.

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