Searching Behind Shut Doors

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Mario shot around at the voice

Mario shot around at the voice

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Belle towered over the Italian

Mario trembled in fear and mumbled something along the lines of "I can't feel my pingas"

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Mario trembled in fear and mumbled something along the lines of "I can't feel my pingas"

"Mario's gonna die... Isn't he?"

Belle sighed before she grabbed Mario by the arm and pulled him with her down the hall

"Not if you don't keep quiet..."

Mario kicked and bit at Belle before she let him go and let him fall onto the floor



Belle growled before kneeling down to his level

"To. Help. You."

Mario lit up with shock

"Wha- Help me? Aren't you with him?"

"Technically we both are... And I know we both wanna figure out what's going on here..."

As Belle stood up Mario stared up at her from the floor

"So you won't hurt Mario?"

Mario tilted his head before Belle held out her hand to help him up

"Wanna find out?"

Mario thought for a moment (Which he didn't normally do seeing how he always thought with his heart instead of his head)

I mean...

She wasn't really like the rest of the anti-cast, she was strong, but she wasn't as... Naive

Besides, she has been kinda nice to him lately

So Mario decided to trust her

"Let's-a-go crack these queers!"

Mario said as he took Belle's hand and waited to be pulled up only for Belle to take her hand back

"That was so bad... Never say that again"

Tyrant And The Slave (A SMG34 Fic)Where stories live. Discover now