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"Welcome back!" Kirito yelled. "Good to see you guys too." Angel replied. Souta ran over and hugged Kirito. "Welcome back buddy." Kirito welcomed him. "I'm guessing that those two are the new recruits." Akemi told Angel. "Yeah. That's us." Jaye said quietly ."Lemme in already!" Ian yelled. Jaye punched Ian in the shoulder. "Manners Ian!" Jaye yelled. "Ow!" He yelled. "Fine..." He replied. They both walked through the door. "This place is huge!" Ian yelled. "I get that a lot." Shoichi replied. "Oh, hi." Ian greeted him. "Uhhh- do you want me to take that luggage?" Akemi asked. Ian was carrying his luggage by his shoulders. "Nah I'm good-" he got cut off by Jaye. "Let her carry your stuff Ian!" Jaye scolded him. "Fine." He replied in a bored tone. She took his bags and walked towards his new room. "Epiccc!" Ian exclaimed. His room was very large. "Oh cool!", "I have my own shower!" He exclaimed. Akemi put his luggage on his bed and left the room. He walked out of the room after he finished looking around the room. Jaye looked around the house, trying to find her room. She walked into the kitchen and bumped into someone. "Sorry." She said. "No problem-", Yuki reached out and patted her chest, "No problem, ma'am." He replied. Kirito turned his head towards Yuki. "Before you slap him, just know that he's temporarily blind right now." Kirito told her. "He pats people's chests to find out if they're male or female." He added. "Temporarily blind?" She asked. "Yes, ma'am" Yuki replied. "I lost my sight while defending this base, a little while ago." Yuki added. "When will you be able to see again?" She asked. "Tomorrow." Yuki replied. "That's good." She replied. "Can someone help me find my room?" She asked. "Which floor?" Yuki asked. "1st floor." She replied. Yuki proceeded to put two fingers up and shout. "Phantom corruption!" Yuki shouted. He disappeared. "Where did he go?" She asked. "No idea." Kirito replied. Yuki reappeared. "I've found your room." He told her. "Take this blanket, just incase the teleportation doesn't take your clothes with you." He told her. He handed her a blanket. "Teleportation?" She asked. "Yeah." He replied. "His energy is corruption." Kirito told her. "Ohhh, well, I'll be back I guess." She replied. She wrapped herself in the blanket. They both teleported to her room. Jaye's face was red. "What..?", "Oh wait- did it not take your clothes with you?" Yuki asked. "Nope..." She replied. "How did you know?" She asked. "When I'm blind, I can't see people, but after I touch them atleast once, I can tell what they're feeling." He replied. "Oh.." She nervously replied. "I can go grab your clothes for you, if you want." Yuki told her. "Please do." She told him. He teleported back to the kitchen and grabbed her clothes. He teleported back to her room. "Where'd you go?" He asked. "I'm hiding in the bathroom." She told him. He stuck his hand through the bathroom door and handed her the clothes. "I'll go away so you can change." He told her. "Thanks..." She replied. He teleported to the living room. "Oh, hi, Yuki." Kirito greeted him. Yuki sat down on the couch. "I'm strangely exhausted." He told Kirito. "It's probably from using your energy so much." Kirito replied. "Maybe." He answered. "You should lay down." Kirito suggested. "Can I sleep on the couch?" He asked. "Probably." Kirito replied. "I'll lay here." Yuki told him. "Here's a pillow." Kirito told him. He handed Yuki a pillow. "Thanks." Yuki replied. He laid down on the couch. Jaye walked out of her room. Everyone else was sitting on the couch. There was only one spot left on the couch, it was between Kirito and Yuki. She walked over and sat down. "Oh, hi." Kiriti greeted her. "Hi" She replied. "We never met properly, I'm Kirito. And the other guy is Yuki." He told her. "Is he alright?" She asked. "He's just tired." He replied. "His energy tires him out easily." He added. "Oh." Jaye replied. "I didn't introduce myself, I'm Jaye, Ian's little sister." She told him. "You're related to that thing..?" Kirito asked jokingly. "Yes, sadly." She replied. Yuki turned over. "It's hot in here." Yuki complained. Jaye turned around. "Are you ok?" Jaye asked Yuki. "I don't know, it's really hot in here." He replied. Jaye felt his forehead. "Jeez, you're burning up." She told him. "Sit up." She told him. "Ok.." Yuki replied. "Have you drank any water lately?" Jaye asked. "No" He replied. "I'll get you some." Jaye told him. She got up and walked to the kitchen. She got some cold water and brought it back to the living room. "Here, drink this." She handed him the water. "Thanks." He told her. He drank the entire thing. "More please." He asked. "Ok, hah" She laughed. She grabbed the glass from him and went to the kitchen to refill it. She refilled the cup and walked back to the living room. She handed him the glass. He drank it. "Hey, Yuki?" Angel asked. "Have you changed your bandages at all? They look dirty." She added. "No." He replied. "Dude. You gotta change them." She told him. "Fine..." He replied. "Since you gain your sight tomorrow, you could just leave it off." She added. "Ok. Just a quick warning, my eyes look weird when I'm blind." Yuki told them. He unwrapped the bandages and took them off. Everyone gasped.

In a World Of Villians Book 3Where stories live. Discover now