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This is my first fanfic, hope you enjoy it :)

King's cross was noisy and crowded however a distinct scream was suddenly heard. Padme Black had just hit her little brother, Anakin.

Both siblings were quite alike. They had dark brown hair with bright eyes and a certain penchant for trouble. It was however understandable since their parents were always on business trips. They often stayed with their aunt Angelica, who wasn't so keen on discipline and rules, especially the ones concerning the use of magic. Indeed, Padme and Anakin were wizards. However, that specific morning, Elizabeth Black was there trying to calm both her children.

"You two calm down or I turn you both into squids!" said Elizabeth firmly

Both children stopped immediately knowing their mother was not joking. They continued walking until they arrived between platforms 9 and 10. There, without any hesitation, they ran through a brick wall to platform nine and three quarters.

Goodbyes were said as Padme hopped on the train with all the other Hogwarts students. She waved one last time at her brother, who would be able to join her on the train in three years. Smiling he waved back and watched the train slowly disappear.

Padme walked to a compartment where a blond haired girl sat alone.

"May I sit here?" she asked

"Of course!" the blonde answered with a smile

"Thank you," Padme said, returning the smile

"Is it your first year at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, I'm super excited! I can't wait to learn complicated spells and transfiguration and defense against the dark arts! Oh, and I really want to sneak into the kitchen and see the elves! Is it your first year as well?" asked Padme excitedly

"Yeah...You seem to know a lot about Hogwarts, do you mind telling me more about it?"

"Muggle-born?" Padme asked with a smirk

"Pardon me? What does that mean?"

"Definitely Muggle-born," Padme said with a smile, "Muggle-born means that your parents are Muggles, non-wizards."

"Then yes, I'm a Muggle-born. Is that a bad thing?"

"No, not at all. It only means that you'll have more things to learn!"

"I'm Jennifer by the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Padme," she said with a smile.

Padme really liked Jennifer and hoped they would be in the same house.

After a few hours, the train stopped and all the students got off. They walked into the school and gasps could be heard as they entered the Great hall and saw a witch dressed in emerald green.

Headmistress McGonagall, the lady clad in green, gave a small speech and then started to call names.

Padme was busy staring around the hall so as her name was called third she didn't hear it.

"Black, Padme" McGonagall called for a second time

Jennifer nudged her and Padme went up to the stool.

The hat was placed on her head and she heard a strange voice.

"-Very interesting..."

"Can you see all my thoughts?" asked Padme to the hat

"I'm analyzing, stop asking questions. Very smart, you could do well in Ravenclaw, but also very bold and brave, Gryffindor could be a good house for you, yet Slytherin could also help you, so very cunning and with great power and talent..."

"Have you made up your mind yet?"

"It's your mind that has to be made up!"

"Well, all the houses sound great!"

"I need just a little detail more to place you in the right house. Anything you would like to add to help me, dearie?"

"Er... I can talk to snakes! Does that help?"

"Why didn't you say that earlier?"

"Well I thought you could see all my thoughts. If you would have answered my question earlier we would have saved a lot of time!"

"I'm getting a hat-ache..."

"Why don't you just yell my house in the Great Hall and get it over with? It doesn't smell so good in here!"


The hat was removed from Padme's head and she could see all the eyes in the room starring at her, she hopped off the stool and went to join the Slytherin table where they all cheered and welcomed her.

"Welcome to Slytherin house, I'm Andrew, I'm Head boy. If you have any questions you can ask me."

"OK, thank you. Can I ask you something now?"

"You stayed 15 minutes under the hat, that's why everyone was staring at you."

"How did you know I was going to ask that?"

"A hunch," he said smiling.

Padme looked at the front of the hall where Patil, Aladdin was being sorted. She looked at the students still standing, Jennifer was among them.

The Headmistress continued and Potter, James was called as everyone in Gryffindor cheered loudly. James Potter was obviously placed in Gryffindor and then came:

Walker, Jennifer

Padme realized she was probably getting her hopes up for nothing because despite the fact that she had a lot of fun with Jennifer on the train, she was a Muggle-born and Slytherin house was not famous for its numerous Muggle-born students. She still waited anxiously to hear the Sorting Hat's verdict.

"SLYTHERIN" was heard across the room and Padme bounced with joy, welcoming her new friend to the table. At the same time she realized two more boys had come to the table as well.

"I'm so glad we're in the same house!" said Padme

"Me too!" said Jennifer

Padme turned and introduced herself to the two boys:

"Hi, I'm Padme Black and this is my friend Jennifer."

"Alexander Zabini, nice to meet you."

"I'm Simon Carter, nice meeting you as well"

The four quickly became friends as they enjoyed one grand and magical meal.

I do not own any Harry Potter related thing (characters, settings...), they all belong to the wonderful J.K. Rowling. Padme, Anakin and Jennifer Walker have names inspired by George Lucas' Star Wars.

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