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All the students that had been put under the Imperio Curse were brought back to normal and a group of aurors led by James' father went to examine the situation and then dispose of Umbridge's body. After that, everything went back to normal. Indeed, the remaining weeks went by fairly quickly and without any notable incidents. However, at the end of May, came the final for the Quidditch Cup, once again opposing Gryffindor and Slytherin.

The game was starting in approximately an hour and James and Padme were sitting together under the bleachers. James dressed in red and gold and Padme dressed in green and silver, they were both truly nervous about what was going to happen.

"So, we both really want that cup," started James.

"And we will not act any differently than if we wouldn't have been dating," continued Padme.

"We will still love each other no matter what," said James.

"Do you really think I'm that shallow? Not loving you anymore because of a Quidditch Cup?" asked Padme, pretending to be outraged.

James looked at her and raised an eyebrow and smirked. She giggled. She truly adored it when he made that face.

"One of us shall lead our team to victory today," said James.

"I think it'll be me. Sorry, James, but Slytherin team is better, besides, we won last year's cup!" she said.

"That doesn't mean anything. I think Gryffindor will win!" he announced.

"Game on, Gryffindor Captain!" said Padme.

"Game on, Slytherin Captain!" replied James.

With that they left as people were starting to get to the field. Padme walked to the Slytherin changing room to find her teammates already there. Even Anakin was there for once.

"Good to see you here, little bro!" she said as she walked in.

"Lily insisted on coming early," he explained.

"Smart girl!" said Jennifer.

Padme breathed in, and breathed out. She had a plan. All would go well. They had trained all year and she could hardly hope for a better team. Everything was going to be fine, perfectly fine.

"Ok. Here's the deal. Potter's an excellent Keeper, we'll have to be creative to score. Jen, Elliot, got it? We can use the dropping the Quaffle trick but not more than twice, even then it would be risky. We have to try to get as close to the posts as possible so he'll have less time to react. You both are great players, I'll know you'll play amazingly well. Scorp, don't let that Quaffle get past you. Gryffindor often aims for the higher hoop. James knows I saw that so he'll tell his players to aim for the ones or the right and left. Watch them closely. Anakin, Alexander, aim for their chasers. Anakin, aim for James if we get close to the hoops and Alexander, aim for Lily if you see her racing with Al and getting too close to the Snitch. Got it? Al, just catch the bloody Snitch as soon as possible. Don't let Lily beat you. If ever you can't find it, pretend to chase it and she'll follow you. You are all extremely talented players and you have trained hard this year. I don't see how this can go wrong. I could not honestly wish for a better team. Now, let's win this!" she yelled.

"Together!" they cheered.

They huddled together one last time and walked out. Gryffindor players were already standing at their spots. Padme walked up to the middle of the field where Madam Hooch was standing with the opposing team's Captain, James.

"I want a fair play. Make your houses proud. You may shake each other's hands," yelled Madam Hooch for everyone to hear.

James held out his hand and Padme took it, but instead of a normal handshake, he unexpectedly pulled her towards him and kissed her. She obviously had no choice but to kiss him back. They heard everyone gasp and Leia Jordan comment "Captains are getting a bit too friendly..."

Orchids, Quidditch And A Basilisk (A Harry Potter New Generation Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now