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"You nervous?" Al asked his sister

"Please, I think I can catch the snitch faster than that silly Hufflepuff girl!" Lily answered

"You better!" James said as he sat down next to her and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"At least you can win against Hufflepuff because I truly doubt you'll be able to beat Slytherin," Padme said, laughing

"What are you and Al even doing here?" James asked

"They're here for moral support!" answered Lily cheerfully

"You call that moral support?" James said

"I'm a Quidditch player, not a cheerleader," Padme reminded James, "Al's the cheerleader here! All he's missing is a skirt and some pompoms!" she joked

"Hey! I'm a Quidditch player too!" said Al, pretending to get offended

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, now please let me focus," James demanded

He always wanted to picture all of the game in his head before it started. He had to predict the other team's moves before they made them and it required a lot of concentration.

"Padme, if you stay here, I'll start thinking it's a strategy to distract me so Hufflepuff wins and Gryffindor is lower in rankings. Please leave and bring Al with you!"

"Bloody hell! What's wrong with you?" Lily asked, eyebrows raised and eyes wide open, "How is that a way to talk to your new girlfriend? Won't be long and she'll be dumping you!"

"I really need to concentrate! I'm sorry, Padme but I have to plan the game in my head and I can't do that while you're here! I'll be a completely honest with you, the only reason I can think about the game with you here is that I'm only thinking about you and-"

"James," Padme smiled, "it's completely fine. I totally understand, don't worry about it. Come on, Al. Good luck, both of you!"

She knew how Quidditch was important to him and thought that fooling around could be done elsewhere.

Both Padme and Al made their way back to the dorms to pick up Jen before the game started. Quickly stopping to say hi to the basilisk, they hurried back to meet her.

"Ready?" Al asked

"Yeah, just a second," Jennifer answered

"We gave you 45 minutes when we left and you're still not ready!" Padme said

"I was curling my hair," answered Jen

"How long does it even take?" asked Al

"That's not the question," Padme said, "the question is why the bloody hell were you curling your hair to watch a Quidditch game?"

"I wanted to look pretty!" Jen replied as if the answer was obvious

"You look pretty without your hair curled," said Al, "Even then, again, why would you want to look pretty for a Quidditch game?"

"By Merlin's hat, you want to look pretty because you're going to see Sean!" yelled Padme, outraged

"Sean Finnegan?!" asked Al, bewildered

"He asked me if I wanted to hang out with him after the game..."

"How could you even want to go out with him? He's a total idiot!" started Padme

"He is not an idiot! He may not be an O student but he's really nice, funny and very good looking! He's really sweet and I don't know why you're making a big deal out of this! Not everyone needs to date someone as smart as you or as James to be happy!" yelled Jen

Orchids, Quidditch And A Basilisk (A Harry Potter New Generation Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now