chapter 4

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*in the past in the enchanted forest*

Snow pov

After the news we got from Rumpelstiltskin and immediately gathered our friends to discuss what we should do next

I say we fight! Charming said as he slammed his fist on table

Fighting is a bad idea. Giving in to one's dark side never accomplishes anything. Jiminy Cricket said

And how many wars has a clear conscience won? We need to take the Queen out before she can inflict her curse. Charming said

And what about her daughter charming? The child needs her mother. I said not wish for Regina to be killed

I don't care about the queen's child I care about protecting our child and besides if Regina cared about her child she wouldn't be doing this. Charming said

Can we even trust Rumpelstiltskin? I mean he's been helping Regina for years How do we know that he's not in on this? Doc asked

I've sent my men into the forest. The animals are abuzz with the Queen's plan. This is going to happen unless we do something. Charming said

There's no point. The future is written. I said

No. I refuse to believe that. Good can't just lose! Charming said

Maybe it can I said

"No. Not as long as we have each other. If you believe him about the curse then you must believe him about our child. She will be the savior." Charming said as the Blue Fairy and some soldiers enter, carrying a tree trunk "What the hell is this?"

Our only hope of saving Emma. I have a another plan on how I will save Regina's baby when it's time.  Blue fairy said

A tree? Our fate rests on a tree? Let's get back to the fighting thing. Grumpy said

The tree is enchanted. If fashioned into a vessel it can ward off any curse. Geppetto, can you build such a thing? Blue fairy said

Me and my boy. We can do it geppetto said

This will work. We all must have faith. There is, however, a catch. The enchantment is indeed powerful, but all power has its limits. And this tree can protect only one. Blue fairy said as me and charming shared a concerned look

*Back to the present*

Rose pov

We soon arrived at the mayors house and me and Emma walked Henry up the garden path to the house.

Please don't take me back there. Henry begged

I have to. I'm sure your parents are worried sick about you. Emma said

I don't have parents. I just have a mom, and she's evil. Henry said

Evil. That's a bit extreme, isn't it? I asked

She is. She doesn't love me; she only pretends to. Henry said

I'm sure that's not true. Emma said as the door opened, to reveal the mayor and I'm guessing by the man's outfit the Sheriff of this town

Henry? Uh! Henry!  Are you okay? Where have you been? What happened? The mayor said as she ran to him and hugged while making Shure he doesn't have injuries like a good mother would.

As I looked at her through got this feeling that I had seen her before a long time ago.

I found my real mom! Henry said as he got out of her embrace and ran into the house

You're Henry's birth mother? Mayor asked looking at Emma first

Hi. Emma said

I'll.. just.. go check the lad, make sure he's okay. The sheriff said as she went back into the house as well

Let me introduce myself. Hi I'm Emma swan and this is my friend Emma said pointing to me

Hi I'm rose Foster I said as the mayor looked at me for the first time with what I thought was of look of recognition like she knew who I was but I wasn't to sure since I was exhausted

Nice to meet you both. I'm regina Mills. How'd you like a glass of the best apple cider you ever tasted? Regina said

Got anything stronger Emma asked

I'll take the apple cider I said as Regina smiled at me

I didn't know why but I loved any food that had apples in it especially if it was a red delicious.

How did he find me? Emma asked after Regina gave us our drinks

No idea. When I adopted him, he was only three weeks old. Records were sealed, I was told the birth mother didn't want to have any contact. Regina said

You were told right. Emma said

And the father? Regina asked

There was one. Emma said as I glared at her

I couldn't believe she had a baby with the loser Cassidy and didn't even bother to tell me

Do I need to be worried about him? Regina asked

Nope. Doesn't even know. Emma said

Do I need to be worried about you, Miss Swan? Regina said

Absolutely not. Emma said as Regina turned her attention to me

And what about you Miss Foster? Regina asked

Oh you definitely do not have to worry about me. I only came because Henry said that he wouldn't leave unless I came as well since he believes that I'm supposed to be here and I didn't want Emma coming all the way here alone I said as Regina nodded as the sheriff came into the room

Madam Mayor, you can relax. Other than being a tired little boy, Henry's fine. The sheriff said

"Thank you, Sheriff." Regina said as he nodded and headed out the door while Regina led us to the living room "I'm sorry he dragged you out of your life. I really don't know what's gotten into him."

Kid's having a rough time. It  Happens. Emma said

You have to understand, ever since I became mayor, balancing things has been tricky. You have a job, I assume? Regina said

Yeah. I keep busy. Emma said

Imagine having another one on top of it. That's being a single mom. So I push forward. Am I strict? I suppose. But I do it for his own good. I want Henry to excel in life. I don't think that makes me evil, do you? Regina said

I'm--sure he's just saying that because of the fairytale thing. Emma said

What fairytale thing? Regina asked

Oh, you know, his book. How he thinks everyone's a cartoon character from it. Like his shrink is Jiminy Cricket. Emma said

And he believes that I'm rose Genevieve Mills the daughter of the evil queen which is why he was insistent of me coming with Emma I said as Regina looked at me for a long time

I'm sorry, I really have no idea what you're talking about. Regina said

You know what, it's none of my business. He's your kid. And we  really should be heading back. Emma said as I nodded in agreement

Of course. Regina said as we walked out the house as Regina closed the door behind us.

I watched as Emma turned and looked up and saw Henry looking at her through his bedroom window while I turned and saw Regina looking at me through the blinds of the living room window

Weird. I thought.

Hey guys I hope you are liking the story so far.

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