chapter 10

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*The Enchanted Forest. Past. The Castle. Snow White and Prince Charming's wedding is ongoing.*

Evil queen pov

I had just crashed snow white and charming's wedding to give them my "gift"

I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do. I said as I turned to walk away

Hey! Charming yelled as I turned back around  and saw him hurl his sword at me.

As the sword nears me, I disappear in a puff of smoke, the sword along with me back to my castle the sword, still on its trajectory, pierces a wall

Would you like something to drink? Robin asked

Do I look like I need a drink? I asked annoyed

I'm only trying to help. He said handing me a drink

Thank you. I said taking the glass

Now that was an awfully big threat. Destroy everyone's happiness? How do you plan on accomplishing that? My magic mirror said as I approached

The dark curse. I said

Are you sure, Regina? What about us and our child Robin asked Robin said placing his hand on my baby bump

you said you'd never use it. My mirror said

You made a deal when you gave away that curse. Robin said

You traded it away. My mirror said

She won't be happy to see you. Robin said

Since when do I care about anyone else's happiness but mine? Prepare the carriage. I'm going to the Forbidden Fortress. I said

*Time skip*

How are you dear maleficent asked as we sat in front of her fire place

I'm doing fine. I said

"Are you?" Maleficent asked as she pours herself a drink "If it were me, I'd be simply tortured, watching that flake of snow so happy. Weren't you about the same age when you were to be married? Before she ruined it all?" Yes you were maleficent said

It was about the same age you were when that sleeping beauty got the best of you, my dear Maleficent. I said as she glared at me briefly

I soldiered on, as you will, too.. Hopefully. Maleficent said

Enough games. You know why I'm here. I need my curse back. I said

It's not yours anymore. A deal's a deal. I traded you my Sleeping Curse. Maleficent said

Which failed. Undone by a simple kiss. Now please, return what's mine. I said

The Dark Curse, really? You must know that not even its unholy power can bring your loved one back from the dead. and I thought you were happy with the theft and from what I see you're expecting a child very soon.  maleficent said

The only thing that will make me happy is Snow White's suffering. I said

Well, it's her wedding night, I doubt she's suffering right now. Maleficent said

I need that curse. I know you keep it hidden in the orb above your staff. I said

Hidden for the good of all, old friend. Whoever created that monstrosity makes the two of us look positively... moral. Who did give it to you? Maleficent said

Where I got it's none of your concern. Hand it back. I said as I stood up

Must we do this? Maleficent asked

Alas, we must. I said as the fight ensued.

I  used my magic to take fire from the fireplace and launch it at Maleficent, who uses her staff to deflect it.

Then I used magic to levitate the various weapons in the room and points them toward Maleficent. Then maleficent's pet unicorn whined, and with that I pointed the weapons at it

NOO! Maleficent yelled as she moved quickly to protects her unicorn.  I used that as an opportunity to drop a chandelier on Maleficent, using the curved metal to ensnare her causing Maleficent drops her staff

Love is weakness, Maleficent. I thought you knew that. I said picking up her staff

If you're going to kill me, kill me! She said

Why would I do that? You're my only friend. I said

Don't do this. This curse... there are lines even we should not cross. All power comes with a price. Enacting it will take a terrible toll... It will leave an emptiness inside you... A void you will never be able to fill. Maleficent said as I broke the orb and picked up the small scroll

So be it. I said

Time skip*

Later that night in the Forest me, Robin and several others were gathered around a fire. These other include an ogre, a gnome and, a blind witch.

Who among us is tired of losing? That's why I called you here. To put an end to our misery. Today, we claim victory. And move to a new, better realm. A place where we can finally win. I said

And we'll be happy? The blind witch asked

"I guarantee it. But first, I need something from you. A lock of hair from those with the darkest souls. You must trust me. Because, if you don't... there are other ways." I said as I used my  magic to move the trees surrounding them. The gnome, witch, and ogre remove locks of hair

"Wise decision" I said as I gathered the hair from them "All that remains is the final ingredient."

Robin presents a box to me, which I opened and takes out a large heart

A prized heart, from my childhood steed. A glorious beast whose passing will fuel our victory. Let my wrath be unleashed. I said as I toss the heart in to the fire

The fire blooms into a cloud of dark smoke, then dissipates, leaving those assembled looking shocked and confused. The gnome begins to laugh

Yeah, you really unleashed something there! The gnome said as he points and laughs at me which resulted in him being turned into stone.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. Comment down below or pm me if you have ideas for the next chapter. And let me know what you want to happen to rose.

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