chapter 20

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Rose pov

I didn't believe Regina for a second. Yeah I believed that she was my mother but her reasoning for why she did the curse was a lie

And I had planned on telling Emma ever and getting her and Henry everything

After learning where Emma was staying I made my way to Mary Margaret's apartments

When I got there I was surprised to see Regina standing there

What are you doing here I asked

To stop you from ruining everything I worked so hard to build Regina said as she made a box appear

What's that? I asked as I  suddenly felt a wave of dizziness washed over me.

I stumbled, clutching my chest as a sharp pain shot through me. Panic coursed through my veins as i struggled to breathe, my vision blurring.

"Rose, dear, are you alright?" she asked, her voice dripping with false sympathy.

I tried to speak, but my words came out as a faint whisper. Desperation filled my eyes as I reached out to knock on Emma's door

With a wicked smile, Regina reached into my chest and plucked out my heart. "I'm sorry, my dear, but I can't have you interfering." she whispered, her grip tightening around my heart.

My world spun out of control as darkness consumed me once again. The last thing I  saw before slipping into unconsciousness was Regina's triumphant smirk.

Regina pov

It seemed Rose wasn't going to make this easy. That was fine. I'd faced more stubborn adversaries before, and I always found a way to prevail. As Rose's body went limp in my arms, I felt a surge of satisfaction. I had been prepared for resistance, and now I had the upper hand.

Transporting her back to her bedroom was a simple task with my magic. Once inside, I gently laid her on the bed, taking a moment to look around. The room was quaint and unassuming, much like Rose herself. But beneath that innocent exterior, she was a potential threat to everything I had worked so hard to build. Emma Swan had already complicated things enough; I couldn't afford to have another adversary mucking up my plans.

I drew in a deep breath and focused on Rose, her face peaceful in unconsciousness. "This could have been so much simpler," I murmured, almost wistfully. "But you leave me no choice."

With a wave of my hand, I summoned a delicate, crystalline vial from the air. Inside, a swirling blue mist danced, containing the enchantments I needed to alter her memories. It was a potent mixture, crafted with care and precision to ensure she would remember what I wanted her to remember—and forget everything else.

I opened the vial, and the mist began to seep out, curling and twisting in the air like a living thing. It hovered over Rose's head before sinking into her forehead, absorbed into her mind. Her body twitched as the magic took hold, her face contorting briefly before relaxing again.

"Good girl," I whispered, a faint smile playing on my lips. "This will be over soon."

I reached out and placed my hand gently on her temple, channeling my magic into her mind. I had to be meticulous. One wrong move, and she might retain some fragment of her old memories, some inkling of what she was supposed to do. That couldn't happen. Not now.

Memories are delicate things, I mused as I sifted through her thoughts. They are the foundation of who we are, and with the right touch, they can be reshaped, reformed, to create a new identity entirely.

I saw glimpses of her past—her childhood, her struggles, her joys. It was all so quaint, so... human. I pushed those aside, focusing instead on the memories of Emma, of Henry, of me. These were the memories that had to change.

With precise movements, I began to weave new memories into her mind. Rose and I, mother and daughter and allies in a noble cause. Her love and loyalty to me, her belief in my vision for Storybrooke. She would remember how Emma Swan was the enemy, a threat to the peace and order we had built. Henry would be her brother that she loved dearly and wanted to protect at all cost.

I watched as her face softened, her brow unknitting as the new memories took hold. It was working. Soon, she would be the perfect daughter and ally, a tool to help me deal with Emma once and for all.

It wasn't just about control; it was about survival. Emma Swan was the prophesied Savior, destined to break the curse and restore everyone's memories. That couldn't happen. Not if I wanted to maintain my power, my life here. I had grown accustomed to being the Mayor of Storybrooke, to having control over every aspect of this town and its people. I wasn't about to let some upstart with a hero complex take that away from me.

As the last of the blue mist vanished into Rose's mind, I felt a sense of accomplishment. It was done. She was mine now, in mind and spirit.

I withdrew my hand and stood back, surveying my work. Rose lay still, breathing evenly, her face serene. She looked so peaceful, so unaware of the storm raging around her. It was almost a pity to use her this way. Almost.

But necessity was a harsh mistress, and I couldn't afford sentimentality. Not now. I had bigger plans, grander schemes that required unwavering loyalty and absolute control. Rose would serve her purpose, and in the end, she would be better off for it. She just didn't know it yet.

I left her room, closing the door quietly behind me. Outside, the night was cool and calm, a stark contrast to the turmoil within. I took a deep breath, savoring the crisp air. There was still much to be done, but for now, I had taken a crucial step forward.

As I walked back to my mansion, I considered my next moves. Emma Swan was growing suspicious, and Henry was proving to be more resilient than I had anticipated. But with Rose on my side, I had a new tool to use against them. She would help me keep them off balance, distracted, and ultimately defeated.

In the distance, the clock tower chimed the hour, a reminder of the relentless march of time. It was a sound I had come to both dread and respect. Time was running out, but I was far from finished. I had come too far, sacrificed too much, to let it all slip away now.

I arrived at my mansion and made my way to my study, where the trappings of power surrounded me. The walls were lined with books and artifacts, remnants of my past and symbols of my current authority. I sat at my desk, the weight of my responsibilities pressing down on me, but I welcomed it. Power was both a burden and a gift, and I had long since learned to bear its weight.

I opened a drawer and pulled out a small, ornate box. Inside was a delicate charm, an insurance policy of sorts. It was a failsafe, a last resort in case things went awry. I hoped I wouldn't need to use it, but it was comforting to know it was there.

With a sigh, I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes, allowing myself a moment of respite. The battle was far from over, but tonight, I had won a small victory. And in this game of shadows and secrets, every victory counted.

"Enjoy your dreams, Rose," I whispered to the empty room. "For when you wake, a new reality awaits you."

I smiled to myself, feeling the satisfaction of a plan well-executed. Rose was just the beginning. There were others who would need... adjustment. But for now, I would savor this moment of triumph.

The night stretched on, and the quiet of my mansion enveloped me. I was alone, as I had always been, but it was a loneliness I had grown accustomed to. It was the price of power, the cost of control.

And I was willing to pay it.

For the sake of Storybrooke. For the sake of my son. For the sake of the curse.

I would pay any price.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. sorry for the long wait if you have any ideas for what should happen next comment down below

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