Chapter I.

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New York – Octavia, Raven and Clarke

Octavia was overexcited. Raven and Clarke, laughing hysterically at their fiend, were watching her running up and down their apartment, looking for her charger. The three best friends were impatiently waiting for the rest of their friends. It was Bellamy, Murphy, and Gina who were supposed to be here first, followed by Miller and Bryan. As their plane was the last one to take off, Monty, Jasper, Harper, and Maya were the last ones to arrive. The idea of finally being back together like in the old times was ecstatic for everybody. They missed their friends. Scattered on the opposite side of the country for their studies/work, the high school friends promised each other to not let their friendship fizzle out. And if, for some, they hadn't seen each other since graduation, Clarke knew everything would be fine.

Their bell screamed its horrible screeching sound, and Octavia ran to the door, giving her brother a big hug. Bellamy and Gina entered the apartment, and Murphy was following them. Clarke and Raven ran to their fake brothers' arms. They said hi to Gina, much more calmly.

"You can put your stuff in the corner," Octavia said to the three, guiding them toward the living room.

"Fucking hell, it's so good to see you again," Murphy stated. "I missed you."

The three girls laughed and assured him they missed him just as much. A dozen minutes later, a knock on their door caught their attention, as it was their secret knock. Raven screamed that the door was open, and Miller and Bryan opened the door. They left their luggage next to the rest and it was their turn to hug all of their friends.

"Oh, a new face," Miller said, seeing Gina for the first time.

"Hello," Gina answered shyly.

"Mill's, Bry', let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Gina, Bellamy said proudly.

"I am happy you found happiness Bell'," the young black man said. "You don't need to be nervous around us Gina, we don't bite."

The two lovers chatted more with Gina, excited to know more about Bellamy's girlfriend. Not long after, Octavia got a text from Monty, letting her know that they were here in a few minutes. The youngest Blake gave him to exact number of the apartment, and it was Murphy who jumped to open the door.



The two boys fell into each other's arms, not caring about the rest of the group laughing at their antics. Once the presentations for the two new faces were done, they all took a seat around the coffee table. Jasper and Murphy didn't let go of each other, which made Maya laugh even more. The friendship between those two was very strong. Jasper had been a target for bullying at school. But when they were in 5th grade, a boy defended him and that was the first step of their friendship. Murphy was an intimidating sight, even at 10, and he could be extremely mean when he wanted to. With him at his side, Jasper was protected, and Murphy was happy to serve as a bodyguard. Maya found the story very touching and thanked Murphy for protecting her Jasper for all these years.

"Two new faces, that's cool, it's new meat," Raven laughed. "It was starting to get boring around here."

"I got a question for Octavia,' Bryan said suddenly, stopping the conversations around them. "How did you find the villa we're going to?"

"I rekindled with an old acquaintance a few weeks ago, and we talked for a long time. When I told him about our project, he told me we could take his family's summer house. To be honest, we had been searching for quite some time and not finding anything, so I didn't hesitate and I accepted. As a thanks, I propose him to come with us for a few days. So we will have two guests with us, they'll be here three days after us. I mean it's their house, so we're the guests, but you understood me."

"But, we know the guy?" Murphy asked with a frown.

"Yes you do, don't worry. I should have probably asked you first because it was supposed to be just us, but I felt a bit obliged to ask him to come with us as it is his house. Moreover, he told me we didn't need to pay anything, so it made me even more guilty. He is coming with his sister, based on what he told me."

"Don't stress yourself O'," Clarke reassured her. "It's his own house, and he gladly lent it to us free of charge for two weeks, he has the right to enjoy it too."

Octavia relaxed a bit, and the conversations were back to a happy level. It's Raven that told everybody it was time to move. Their plane took off at 9 pm. It was Monty and Harper's idea to take it together, even if it was more expensive.

And it's comfortably seated in the plane that the group of friends took off, towards Miami, for vacations they hoped would be unforgettable.

They landed very late and got to the house even later. So much that didn't have the time to be in awe of the place, all longing for a good sleep.

Miami – Lincoln & Lexa

"You're sure Linc'? I mean, we didn't even really know them back in school, and you know how I get with strangers."

"Lex', I beg of you, do it for me, please," Lincoln begged. "You know how much I liked Octavia back in school, and I didn't really think when I offered this to her. It'll be good for you to see people. Come on, for me."

Lexa sighed but nodded. The two Woods siblings were at the airport and were calmly walking towards the car that'll take them to the villa. Lincoln and Lexa lived in Manhattan, but they inherited this house when their father passed. Gary Woods was an influential businessman, and it's his daughter who inherited his company, leaving the army to take over her dad's work.

They arrived quickly, and the driver opened the door for them. After a quick thanks, the twins moved towards the front door. It was Lincoln's job to ring the bell, Lexa's was telling the driver to take a few days off. The door opened as the driver went back to the car, and both Lexa and Lincoln recognized the young brunette behind the door.

"GUYS!" He yelled, never looking away from the siblings, "They're here."

Footsteps were heard in the house, and Murphy let the two in.

"Hi," Octavia said, uncharacteristically shy.

Truth is, both Woods twins were very intimidating. Lincoln was a beast of a man, more so than in high school, and had tattoos a bit everywhere, rocking a bald head. Whereas Lexa had her own fair share of muscles, thanks to the army, and her impassible stone mask on the face. Both arms were covered with tattoos. The most striking sight was her eyes, a unique shade of green, capable of making anybody submit.

"Hello Octavia," Lincoln responded gently.

"I did exactly like you said, and left your rooms free," she started to ramble, "you can put your stuff there, we were about to eat, if you want to join us. You have to do, just..."

"A nod coming from both Lexa and Lincoln stopped Octavia in her nervous rambling. She let them take their luggage upstairs. They came back downstairs not even ten minutes afterward and took a seat in the living room, where the rest of the group was. Nobody physically changed drastically, making it easy to remember who was who.

"I think you all recognized Lexa and Lincoln," Octavia said, her head turned to the two siblings, "It's their house, so keep it down, please. For those who don't know them, this is Lexa and Lincoln Woods, they were with us in high school. That's Maya, Jasper's girlfriend, and that's Gina. She's..."

The brunette didn't have the time to end her sentence that a possessive hand gripped Gina's waist. Raising her head, Lexa saw a familiar face.

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