Chapter III.

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The next morning, Clarke woke up, rested and content. The sun was bursting into her room, she forgot to close the blinds the night before. It gave the room a cozy feeling, and for Clarke, it was the sign of a good day. The young artist went downstairs and found the kitchen empty. Looking at the time, she realized she got up pretty early compared to her friends, and to her usual rising time. It was only 10 am, and all of them were pretty late risers. They all must still be asleep. Clarke decided to whip up breakfast for everybody.

She had barely done a step when the front door opened. Her blue eyes gravitated towards Lexa's sweaty body. Clarke couldn't stop herself and let her gaze scan the woman in front of her. Her legs were long and lean, barely covered by black shorts. Her abs were definitely too much for Clarke and her sanity. Her sports bra, as black as her shorts, was supporting a firm bust. Her cheeks were slightly red because of the effort, Lexa was the epitome of sexiness. Clarke swallowed with difficulty.

"Hello, Clarke."

The blond was barely able to make out a response. Lexa threw her trademark smirk at her.

"What were you doing out at this hour?" Clarke asked.

Seems like the pretty girl was finally able to talk.

"Went for a run," Lexa answered, pointing at her body, "As you can see."

Bad idea to do that, because Clarke's eyes were once again lost on this divine body.

"I'm going to take a shower, I feel icky," Lexa said while going up the stairs towards her room, "Nice outfit by the way."

And she disappeared upstairs. Clarke looked down at her clothes and realized she only had a short, short enough to sleep in, and a fairly light tank top. She blushed hard. She took a few seconds to ground herself and finally started preparing breakfast.

One hour later, all the young adults were seated at the outside table, enjoying a lovely brunch. Clarke ended up taking a shower too, changing to more appropriate clothes. Lincoln was the first down, followed by Octavia, Lexa, finished with her shower, Maya, Monty, and Harper. Miller and Bryan got down half an hour later, Gina on their heels. And the last ones were, as always, Murphy, Bellamy, Jasper and Raven. And even if she was dressed casually now, Clarke couldn't help but think about Lexa's body in her workout outfit. The blush went back to full force, and she swallowed a whole pancake to stop those images.

"So, what is the program for today?" Nathan asked.

"Lincoln, Lexa, you guys come here pretty often right?" Octavia asked the two siblings.

"Yeah, I come here when I want to escape the pressure of the Big Apple."

"Well, then you're the most knowledgeable about what to do here. What do you recommend?"

"Well, if you want to play tourists, you got the beach obviously, "Lexa started, thinking. "The Everglades should already be open, better check it out. Wynwood is pretty fun, it's the artists' district. You can visit the city by bus, like in London. Oh, and the Seaquarium, I almost forgot."

The group of friends spent the next few hours drafting a plan for their two weeks of vacation, with lots of beach time as well as excursions to visit the city.

"Cool, so today it's a beach day," Raven exclaimed happily. "Jet lag can be a bit much for some."

"Yeah, that's why you better not do a lot of physical things first, even if it's just a few hours of jet lag," Lexa nodded.

"Lexa travels a lot, so he's pretty well versed in jet lag," Lincoln laughed. "I am definitely not."

The others joined him, except Lexa, who kept her smirk on. Once they were finished eating, Monty, Miller, Bryan, and Maya cleaned up everything, whilst Jasper, Harper, and Octavia were busy preparing their beach stuff.

It took them about 45 mn to be ready. Bags on their shoulders, and sunglasses on, the group was in front of the door, checking if they had everything.

"You're not coming?" Lincoln asked his sister, as she was sat on the couch, laptop on her knees, typing away.

"Nope, still got work to do. But go chill on the beach."

The young man sticks his tongue to his sister, making her chuckle. He called her a workaholic, his sister was always working, even when she was on vacation.

As the house was just a few minutes from the beach, the trip was not long, and soon enough, they all lounged on the sand, feeling the sun on their skin. The Woods' villa was near the beach but was also pretty close to the city center, it was perfect.

Lexa heard the door close and brought her attention back to her computer. She had a company to run. The brunette lost herself in her work for the rest of the day. She only realized what time it was when the others came back from their beach trip. They all took turns showering, trickling down to sit on the couch one by one. Lexa and Lincoln were tasked with dinner, and they cooked a quick but delicious meal.

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