Chapter II.

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 "Blake, long time no see," Lexa said, "You finally found someone that wanted your ugly ass?"

The young man laughed and hugged Lexa. Bellamy and Lexa developed a friendship that stunned everybody. At the beginning of high school, Bellamy despised the Woods twins, but as he and Lexa crossed paths a lot because of their respective hobbies, he got to know them better. Avid fans of sports, he and Lexa joined a few clubs and became pretty popular.

"Nice to meet you girls," the young woman said, almost solemnly. "I have a phone call to make, don't want for me."

As Lexa took her call on the balcony, the silence fell on the group once again, and it was Lincoln who broke it, softly as always.

"What about you? What did you become?"

The question put everybody at ease, and they all took a seat on the gigantic couch to chat.

"And you Lincoln?" Bryan asked, "You have even more muscles, I didn't know it was possible," the young man laughed.

"Yeah," Lincoln followed him, "I am military. Well, ex-military because I got out a few days ago, no more tours for me."


All eyes converged towards Lexa, back from her phone call. Looks like she didn't know about her brother's job. Lincoln stood up and faced her.

"Lex', you know it's not the same without you. The army was your dream, you passed it on to me. Doing it without you, it's pointless. Plus, I feel like everybody has been rejecting me since you left."

Lexa furrowed her eyebrows but followed her brother to the couch. Hearing them talk explained a lot of things to Clarke. That's why she was so fit, she was ex-military. 'But why did she leave?' was wondering the blond-haired girl.

"Linc', everyone knows why I left. They know it has nothing to do with you, I already made myself clear on that."

The young brunette stopped talking when a phone started to ring. Lost in their discussion, both siblings seemed to have forgotten about the other people in the room. Gina apologized and took the phone call, walking a bit away so as not to bother the rest of her friends. Lexa sent a look to her brother making him understand that this discussion wasn't over.

As the evening came around, all of them continued talking while eating some pizzas from the place downtown, catching up. The group of friends were chatting, and Lexa and Lincoln learned a lot about their former classmates' lives.

"I mean, she's a really pretty girl," Gina said, "Nothing never happened?"

"Between Lexa and I?" Bellamy laughed heartily, "No, nothing, ever."

"We'll always be just friends."

"You seem super close, so I was just wondering."

"If the choice was between you and me, Gin", best believe she will not choose me," Bellamy remarked, taking a sip of his beer.

Gina raised an eyebrow, not sure to understand the implicit. Lexa chuckled and threw a look at Bellamy's girlfriend.

"You mean..."

"I prefer girls," Lexa finished her sentence.

All eyes fell on Lexa, the woman only shrugging in response. She never hid her sexuality.

"You guys didn't know?" Lincoln asked.

"Oh no, we knew," Clarke cleared rapidly, "We just didn't think you'd be so comfortable with it."

"I am who I am, those who don't like it can get fucked," Lexa said, sipping her beer.

"1àà%," Clarke nodded.

The brunette looked at her, and Clarke smiled shyly. It's a Lexa Woods typical smirk that answered her. The former military dove into Clarke's eyes and forgot about her surroundings. Their eyes stayed locked onto one another until Raven cut the staring by addressing Clarke.

"Earth to Clarkie!"

"Hum? What?"

"You're out of it today," Raven said, mocking her best friend, "I was saying that we only met assholes."

Clarke knitted her eyebrows, not sure where the conversation was or even how they got here.

"I asked Raven about your love life," Lincoln filled her in.

"Assholes, yeah, a bit."

"Atom, Wick, Niylah..." Raven counted on her fingers.

"Niylah?" Lexa interrupted, one eyebrow raised towards the mechanic.

"Clarke's ex-girlfriend. She was a bit of a bitch."

"Raven!" Clarke said, hitting her on the shoulder.

The raven-haired girl shrugged as Clarke rolled her eyes. As always, Octavia was dying of laughter next to them. Raven wasn't known to be Niylah's biggest fan.

"Niylah broke up with Clarke when a position for her dream job opened overseas. Not taking any sides, but she did break up with you via text messages."

"Not like I fell madly in love," Clarke grumbled.

The rest laughed, used to the dynamic between the three best friends. It was good to see nothing changed. Lincoln looked briefly at his sister, a little smile on his lips.

"So you're into girls too?" he asked.

"Don't really care," the blonde shrugged, "Both are good."

The discussion on Clarke's sexuality stopped here, but Lexa could easily see that her brother had an idea in his head. And she was right. When they were about to enter their respective bedrooms, Lincoln took her by the arm.

"She likes both Lex', you got a chance."

"Linc'," she sighed, "It was a stupid crush, and it was years ago."

"Don't tell me she is not your style."

"Yeah, she is gorgeous and objectively hot, and she's intelligent but it's over? Leave it be."

The brunette got into her room, leaving her brother facing her door. Black and white, her bedroom in Miami was familiar and brought her peace and serenity. That's exactly what she needed at this moment. Even if it cost her to say, knowing that Clarke was bi did something to her. High school Lexa fell head over heels for Clarke when they were teens. And it would be a lie to say that seeing her again didn't do something to her. She was even more beautiful than before. But she didn't do feelings anymore. So, she forced herself to bury deep what she was feeling and calm herself. She had to forget the attraction she felt for the small blonde with blue eyes.

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