58 - The Results of our Actions

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Rosalin's Point of View

Disappointingly, I didn't get to see Estella or any of the goblins the next morning. When I looked with soul-sight, I could see that they were still there, but they were just standing quietly, while looking in our direction as well, as we walked out through the front gate that morning.

Estella said, that Mia and everyone else had to make their own choice, and I suppose their choice wasn't unreasonable. Seeing how frightened Mia was of Estella yesterday, I'm not surprised they stayed holed up all night.

I hold in a sigh as I look around us, as we head down what I assume to be one of the main streets of the city. I assume it, based on the sheer width of the road, and the large plaza, that's been stretching along the side of the road. Once there was probably bushes and trees splitting the road zone and the plaza from each other, but all that's left now is dirt. Yet the edges of rocks designate it as a plant bed. I suppose they removed the dead plants, like they removed the wreckage of the houses.

That said, other than the spires having disappeared, the remaining damages on the buildings deeper into the city, is very mild. No holes blasted through the buildings, roofs missing or anything like that. The only damage looks to be around where the spires came up once.

According to Johannes, the reason all the spires are missing, is because they were made to be supported by mana in the area. Since the mana disappeared, the spires couldn't stand against gravity, and crashed. He said that most of the spires were about three times the size of the rest of the buildings. So leading the spires to be around 6 stories tall. All of which are gone.

I can't help but to turn on soul sight, and look at the red silhouettes watching us quietly from the windows as we walk through the city.

Joshua has been guiding us through the city, but he's the only ghost here. Seeing as the ghosts possess mana, I guess it would be useless for the ghosts to come here... but it's still rather different from back at Avenfort, where my sight just turned mostly white.

One thing to note though, is that there aren't just goblins in the city. I note minotaurs too, standing right by the doors inside the buildings, standing straight and stiffly like soldiers... but on the other hand, that's it. There's nothing not formed like those two types.

I look to the end of road where we're heading, to the gate and accompanying gatehouse. It's open, but rather than leading to the outside, it seems to lead to more large buildings.

I hesitantly asked Johannes earlier, but after he said it was the noble quarter, Claudius said that the mages didn't have nobility. Johannes had looked surprised, and kind of sour to be corrected, but didn't ask to expand further.

That said, there are two large buildings there, from what I can see between the other buildings, but I can't quite see what it is.

Still, it was an eerie feeling.

To walk through a city that seems completely abandoned, and where the only sound, is the sound of our own footsteps, but to also know that we aren't the only ones here. That we're being watched.

Thankfully the city isn't that big, so we make it past the gate pretty quickly. It doesn't take long to realize what kind of district this is though, because the buildings, while more extravagant, have titles on them. School. Academy. Library. Lines of stores with magical names, mostly bookshops... Everything having a connection to magic. I glance back towards the gate towards the plaza again, and then back to the buildings around us.

There are no goblins in here. No minotaurs either. Not an orc or even a bug in sight... but there's something else. Straight ahead of us, in one of those two large buildings probably, a building sparkles with red lights.

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