8 - Reaping Bitter Rewards

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[AN: Be ready to feel uncomfortable]

Nao's Point of View

I... lost something important as a human.

Where a bright light once shone, their bodies and faces slowly become visible to reveal twisted expressions of fear. Even so there's nothing but disgust and frustration left towards them, where my desperation to save them, and regret that I failed once was.

When I do this eerie feeling of nothing is all that remains after I leveled up... after that ability leveled up. No guilt. Little regret. When I look at them, my reckless thoughts of stopping the knight seems worthless. Like their life was never worth struggling for in the first place.

I hate it.

I know that logically it might useful... I know that, but I hate it.

I realized that Death's Calm isn't truly helpful, no matter how beneficial it might seem in the moment. It's something steals away what makes me human bit by bit.... like it's trying to tear me apart from the inside out and leave me as a monster.

Yet, I might be to blame for it getting this new effect... When the man's head was cut off in front of me I felt helpless. I was frustrated that I could do nothing, that my words didn't reach either the hunters or the knight. Though there was nothing I could have done, I wished there had been... and then I pushed it away with a single thought... 'I need to focus on the arrow', and just like that it all went away.

 'I need to focus on the arrow', and just like that it all went away

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As if to make everything worse, the moment the knight killed the last archer, was also the moment I gained the skill 'Command Undead'.

I look down at where the arrow has sunk into my lower abdomen. Blood is creeping out from deep cuts on each side of the shaft.

I grit my teeth while gently touching the arrow, and I can feel something big shifting inside. I lay back with a hiss and close my eyes tightly. This is a barbed arrow, isn't it? This system... celebrating the deaths, mocking both me and their deaths, giving me what I need only after I need it, and now on top of that this... giving me double exp for killing people instead of monsters, and the removal of guilt only targets humans.

What kind of corrupt system is this?



If I didn't know better I would think it was trying to turn me into a monster, rather than have me make up for any sins. Stacking disadvantage after disadvantage against me, from skills, physical state, the mutilated face to just taking away one of the most important thing for people: Guilt.

I dig into my pockets and take whatever is left of handkerchiefs and stuff it in my mouth with bloody and trembling hands. Perhaps it's also due to Death's Calm, but part of me knows that no matter how much I pray for it, no one will come to save me. No one will remove this arrow for me, and if I don't do it I will die.

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